Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Nice stuff as usual. I've got a few pics but the jobs are so boring and mostly simple but I'll post them later anyway. Nothing but multi-colored spot jobs on darks. Right now we've got more screen printing jobs in the system than we did all last December, and last year was our best year by a huge margin that we're having a hard time beating last years numbers year to date. We're only up by single % over last year, I guess I didn't realize how good it was last year until I compare this year to it. That's the good and bad about having a record year by a huge margin, the next year can be slightly better but it feels like it was somewhat of a failure.
We are re-visiting 4CP on DC under base...sorry, crappy phone picture.
Quote from: Orion on December 04, 2014, 07:22:16 PMWe are re-visiting 4CP on DC under base...sorry, crappy phone picture.Orion, YOU CAN"T DO THAT. You can't do 4 color process on black tees. It's not possible....or so I'm told. To me, thats one of the best prints in this thread this year, (unless someone else has posted 4 color process on black tees) this year. Yes, in deed no doubt about it, achieving great prints with discharge underbase and 6 or more spot colors can be outstanding also, but only 4 colors on top using cmyk, is awesome.I guess my all time focus is, what can you do with just a few colors? This is what. Very good. Now, I would venture to say that not all designs can make use of this. Each job is going to dictate how it needs to be done.I guess you can say, for you artist and printers, the design should speak to you. Very nice Orion.