Author Topic: Use CCI D-base without activator instead of CCI W-base  (Read 4578 times)

Offline Spreading Ink

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Re: Use CCI D-base without activator instead of CCI W-base
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2013, 12:47:27 AM »

- yes - more what Jon said - we actually buy our ink in 55 gal drums (about 1 every 6 weeks or so depending on work load).  I know that wb base is cheaper than discharge base, but honestly we print waaaaayyyy  more darks than we do light colored shirts anyway and it's just not worth having and keeping the extra stock or having the waste (in both labor and ink) from mixing a water base (using a wb base) and then finding we need to discharge it for the substrate and frankly we spend enough on ink in general I don't really need to have ANOTHER drum of ink around - there's enough back there :)!

We have been buying our bases in drums for several years now and have never bought standard wb base and if we need to print wb  - we simply use dc base for that job and keep it back - it will discharge later if it's not ever been activated and can be used on darks as a discharge later if need be (within reason of course).

Hope this makes sense.  Again your mileage may vary - just sharing our experiences. :)
Spreading Ink
3031 E Cherry St.
Springfield, MO 65802
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