Understood. I feel ya on the time and pain.
I can't seem to set myself down and do one. In addition, like I just did. Every time I do one, someone comes and critiques how it was done rather than looking at the value of the content for someone. I see your value in it and probably most will sit and read it. For me, I didn't read a thing and just watched your actions so I ma have missed something important.
For sound, It seems important to a few of them that I am directing it to. The potential target audience. So I listen and take it in and figure, yeah, some time in the next 5 years, I'll get back to fixing mine for ya. LOL. We can't please everyone, but yea, sound is an important part of a tutorial. It helps them get inside your head as to what your doing or why.
I'm not a tutorial reader.

So maybe I'm not your target audience. I understand that many need to read it, see it and hear it to fully grasp everything. Just mentioning it. Whadda I know? Not much. I'm not an expert on tutorial building.