"He who marches out of step hears another drum." ~ Ken Kesey
Hi everyone. Gonna be ordering my 1st round of Plasticharge materials and was wondering if I could get some help/direction. I've done water-based discharge before w/good results, but am now eager to try things w/my current Plastisols. Here are my questions/list of products I'm thinking of getting:1- CCI- Getting P-charge & D-Powder. My concern is w/white plastisol. Most people seem to recommend D-White, but isn't this a water-based ink that will require forced air or a gas powered dryer to cure (I've got a small dryer)? Is there a 50% plastisol 50% base Plastisol white on the market that works well?we used regular discharge with a non forced air dryer pretty successfully. This was straight discharge rather than plasticharge though. had problems with underbasing, but 100% discharge was no problem (well, slow, but very good results). 2- Red ink. I heard that certain reds don't discharge well and/or don't retain their color. If so, is there a brand on red that does hold up well when mixed? I've seen a print done with Union Ink's product that was spectacular. Give them a call and find out about the plasticharge inks used to print the Godzilla shirt (last year's contest winner). If you really want to go plasticharge route, that was very impressive.3- Emulsion- any info on which emulsion really holds up, and is affordable? I'm looking at CCI's TX-D, but it's a lot more expensive that what I'm spending now. Plus I've never had good results w/pink emulsions, not sure why..Any diazo or dual cure should hold up to the waterbased printing better than non mixing type (SBQ/photopolymer). It just happens to be that dual cure emulsions (and especially straight diazo) are cheaper than SBQ/PP. 4- Garments- has anyone compiled a list of "not good for discharging" brands/styles? if not, can you name a few that haven't discharged well? I figure this is easier than saying which have worked well..Actually, start with Gildans, they discharge well. They are a safe bet and you can work your way to the other brands. See here for the color chart of what dischrges well: https://impweb.imprintswholesale.com/pdf/gildan/GN%20445%20Discharge%20Rate%20Chart-3.pdf5- Best/cheapest place to buy CCI products? Don't know who the cheapest is, but we get some of our discharge stuff from Nazdar. You should be able to get most everything you need there. The company president actually posts here and will get you in touch with your local rep that can help you out or in many cases will point you in the right direction.That's pretty much it for now. If you can answer any of the above, I'd really appreciate it. Happy printing.. p.s.- has anyone tried mixing regular water-based discharge (w/activator) w/plastisol, instead of using Plasticharge?have not after I was told not to! Thanks y'all!