Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
... and remember to not become one of those ex-smokers who browbeat others when they light up. Don't forget how much you hated the lecturing when it was you in "flavor country".
Quote from: tpitman on January 31, 2013, 04:26:05 AM... and remember to not become one of those ex-smokers who browbeat others when they light up. Don't forget how much you hated the lecturing when it was you in "flavor country".Didn't you find though, that after you quit, the obnoxious smell finally became especially noticeable?btw, for home rollers: I understand that "pipe" tobacco, at least here in CA, is not taxed nearly as stringently, and has become the choice of many nicotine addicted tax rebels.The climate has certainly changed. There was a time when the county lock-up gave away packs of Bugler and papers. (purely second hand information, of course )
Friend of mine smokes and drinks coffe. I swear he uses dog sh!t for toothpaste. To a person that has not smoked it is that much more foul. The worst is that over the shoulder "What are you drawing on your computer?" question. The initial hit is enough to melt the screen on my Imac.
they didn't allow cigarettes in prison anymore. All I know is if I was on death row and couldn't
I smoked a pack a day for 13 years. Quit in 2 weeks with hypnosis. Best $250 I ever spent. Exhale thought a white t-shirt