Computers and Software > RIPs
accurip question
--- Quote from: shellyky on June 15, 2011, 12:23:58 PM ---Accurip--is there a way to limit the program from printing anything below a 5% dot by chance? Lately photoshop has been showing me 0% black on my white areas, but it prints with a background of single digit dots. I'll have to play with the levels and reprint it and hope it doesnt print anything that time. It's odd. So if i could limit that in the program somehow that woudl be great--wasting paper gets me to level 10 frustration.
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Call Freehand and ask them what the simple fix is. I think you can go into the Advanced Dot Gain feature and clip the 5% to zero, which will lock the 5% from ever printing. At least this is my assumption.
blue moon:
as already mentioned by Zoo, it is your printer color management. Make sure it is turned off, that will solve your problem.
thanks guys ill check out both of those options
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