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I bet Schnell enjoyed being called schmelly.   ;D

We had a nick name for almost everyone we ran with.
I had multiple. Ears was the worst. When I was young and skinny. My ears looked really big. Living close to the West Virginia Mountaneers, the football fans had a funny saying. " hey, howabout those ears!". Well, needless to say, most of my friends would say that when they see me. 

" hey, howabout those ears!".
Another more obvious was to call me "soup" as in Campbell's Soup.

Some were more lucky like the guy's who had nick name like Poody and Boo.  They had all the girls.
As a result of all the nicknames, I always felt people having an Internet presence under a screen name was commonplace like a CB handle. My CB handle was Skydiver...although I never jumped before.

Schmelly ears or schmelly soup would have been a lot worse.. although DTD has some problems of it's own... but no worry cause you are now well respected and obviously a cool dude....smmmmooooocccchhhhh!

Thank you!!!


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