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blue moon:

--- Quote from: tpitman on June 29, 2011, 03:41:19 PM ---Not forums, and maybe no one else is interested, or maybe it's immaterial as some sites may go dormant or shut down necessitating a periodic "culling" of duds, but I found it useful at the old industry links to vendors by category, such as artists, equipment, supplies, and so on. I'd mentioned this to Preston probably nine months ago, but he apparently thought it undesirable, or perhaps it would encroach on advertisers paying for ad space on his site, and perhaps you all feel the same. Not trying to stir up any issues, just putting it out there. I know early on I referenced it frequently. Might be a benefit to newbies looking for resources.

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I believe I am speaking for all three stooges when I say that one of our main objectives is to be helpful! If those links are a valuable resource, we should have them here.

With acknowledgement to Moe,
a couple of points.
1. I believe that those suppliers may well have paid to be included in that list
2. Something that Preston was fervent about, and I concur completely, is that "newbies" in the industry are one thing, but casual visitors just looking for our suppliers, are something else completely.

That content has to be restricted to serious members.

Heck, we also have seen members who really resented every little thing being laid out for newcomers who, essentially, if they read enough, only needed to process the payments that are rolling in, LOL! and pay very little dues as we did. That view is a little extreme, and of course, a little counter to what I and others do by providing information, but it does have a certain validity as well.

Balance and a reasonable medium ground is what's needed.

TSPMB Refugees  its a facebook group.


--- Quote from: Frog on June 29, 2011, 03:53:54 PM ---With acknowledgement to Moe,
a couple of points.
1. I believe that those suppliers may well have paid to be included in that list
2. Something that Preston was fervent about, and I concur completely, is that "newbies" in the industry are one thing, but casual visitors just looking for our suppliers, are something else completely.

That content has to be restricted to serious members.

Heck, we also have seen members who really resented every little thing being laid out for newcomers who, essentially, if they read enough, only needed to process the payments that are rolling in, LOL! and pay very little dues as we did. That view is a little extreme, and of course, a little counter to what I and others do by providing information, but it does have a certain validity as well.

Balance and a reasonable medium ground is what's needed.

--- End quote ---

I've been trying to decide.  Are you "Curly"?   :D

what ever became of the H2o water based screen printing forum that Upnorth Matt was running? I believe he took it over from Phil Newell. . .you guys remember that one?


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