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It's dead and gone. I'd contacted Matt about the spam and porn posts last year that had overtaken it. He cleaned it up and gave me moderator status during which I booted a few spam and porn ads, but within a couple of months it went down. Phillip went back to designing signage that I'm guessing was his main interest, judging from a lot of the art he was doing. He has a new forum at:
Regrettably, the waterbased forum had a lot of good info and at one point a fair degree of participation. I think after it had been ignored for so long in terms of moderation, everyone pretty much moved on. There were very few posts made after Matt cleaned it up, and I guess he must have let it go maybe after the hosting contract was up, seeing no reason to renew.
Addendum: I also had asked Rodney over at t-shirt forums to break out the waterbased ink section under screenprinting since there were starting to be a lot of questions regarding that in particular. Made it easier to find posts about waterbased vs. plastisol.
Tagless Threads:
--- Quote from: Homer on July 29, 2011, 03:30:57 PM ---what ever became of the H2o water based screen printing forum that Upnorth Matt was running? I believe he took it over from Phil Newell. . .you guys remember that one?
--- End quote ---
Yeah, I liked that forum.
I used to browse that forum a lot, it had a lot of good info.
Thanks to all of you that are monitoring those other inferior boards so I don't have to. I barely have time to visit here as often as I would like to. Keep up the good work and thanks for being my forum of choice. But I still miss Habeeb!
Doug S:
I've got to say that I've been to most of the forums listed, but after being introduced to TSB, I am hooked. I find my self visiting as many as 3 to four times a day. It just seems like everyone knows everyone here. I know that's not the case, but it does seem that way. Also, there is always good post to read and most of them I can relate to.
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