In IMS you can specify amount of ink you want to mix in different ways. We are using PC system. That's base and pigments.
What we miss, or just don't find is how to specify the qty of base you have. Why is this useful? In 1 gal pail of base you really get say 4210 gr. For 5000 gr of certain mixed ink you need e.g. 4350 gr. of base. now we manually calculate needed amount of each pigment with slightly less base. But it would be easier to enter the qty of base that's available, and get right formula with slightly lesser qty of mixed ink than 5000 gr.
I believe Erin can help us on this?
In IMS you can scale the formula via the formulation screen using various measuremnet units such as liters, grams or gallons weight boxes.
Method for using IMS to scale a formula to an unknown base weight requires the usage of the scale module.
You need a bucket with the base in it and a preferably identical empty bucket.
1 - Select Formula color from the formulation screen, amount is not important at this time
2- Goto the scale blending screen (button on toolbar of formula screen will get you there)
3- Place clean empty bucket on the scale and press the start button and follow the bouncing ball until the base component is ready to be added
4 - Replace the empty bucket with the bucket containing the base and press the record button.
5 - Here is the tricky part, right now for the recalculation to occur there needs to be an error, so if the amount now showing exceeds the formula amount that you are requesting all you have to do is select the auto-recalculate button on the toolbar and all the pigments will be scaled to exact amount of base in the bucket.
If the amount of base is not enough to be considered an error (overage) - reduce the blend amount using the blend amount box until the amount in the bucket is in error (over target) then proceed to the auto-recalculate button.
This may sound overly complicated but it really isn't. If enough people want to be able to recalcuate on non error amounts I'll add it.