Some email programs make it much easier to make that mistake than others. I did it once myself when we first started this forum and I was letting people know about the forum who were in my email address list that were customers of mine at some point. I had them broken down in sections, so only to about 25 people on the email list were able to see each address in the 25. So, I knew who it went out to. (One of those boogers in the list), sent it on to "The one who shall remain nameless" and he posted my email introducing our forum....on Digitsmith. What a shame to be like that. So all of those 25 peoples emails were posted on Digitsmith for all to see. That was his intent. Why do I mention this? Read below.
Today, I received an email from a trade magazine to vote for one of the tees in a competition. Then I received another one just like it, but in this one, it had over 600 email addresses included by mistake. A send all error.
I thought, "Man, I hope nobody takes advantage of that. Next thing ya know,
So far, I got two emails from two different art service freelancers, one from an embroidery shop and tag labeling shop, and who would of guessed it, one from (the one who shall remain nameless.
All replying (as if) they didn't know they were sending out to 600 emails. We can expect that from THE ONE, but the others? I was surprised. The day is still early. So, I expect more now. Someone will eventually reply all and say STOP!.
Taking advantage of someone's mistake to benefit yourself is pretty dirty I think. It reminds me of my brother telling me of a story. He's a prison guard and he said one day he caught a guy raping another guy (who was in the process of a seizure). Man, talk about taking advantage of a situation. Dirty people.