Author Topic: Mea culpa - Update on Nazdar SourceOne January Promotion  (Read 1387 times)

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Mea culpa - Update on Nazdar SourceOne January Promotion
« on: January 02, 2013, 02:50:01 PM »
Happy New Year Everyone:  Well it’s just January 2nd and already I’ve gone and stepped in it!  Back in the third week of December I asked the TSB Board members for input on what type of a product special promotion that you’d like to see from Nazdar SourceOne in January.  The feedback was fairly unanimous that you wanted to see a special on 10 yards or more of bolt mesh, and a special on mesh panel inserts. Unfortunately due to my own procrastination I didn’t get this information across to our Marketing team before the Holiday’s, and as such these items will now be the focus of the February TSB promotion. 

On a positive side we are running a promo to get 40% off when you purchase (4) gallons or more of select MacDermid Autotype emulsions to include; Neptune, Autosol Plus 6000, and Autosol Plus 9000.  Jeff Paulic our S1 Marketing Communication Manager is sending the information on the new banner with the web link to Andy this afternoon.  I will be attending the Long Beach ISS Show later on this month and look forward to meeting up with as many TSB members as possible, and once again please accept my apologies for the screw-up and the delay with the January mesh promotion. 
Peter G. Walsh - Executive Vice President
The M&R Companies - Roselle, IL USA
Office 847-410-3445 / Cell 913-579-6662