Industry regulations > OSHA

OSHA Requirments

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You could start reading the CFR's. I think it's about 120 or so volumes usually around 300 pages not including marine, mine, etc. Talk about confusing!

PW mag is trying to dig out an article I penned on compliance. Although it is more than ten ys old it is pretty current with regards to most issues. It will at least save me some typing!

Itsa Little CrOoked:
I sat in on an OSHA workshop a while back presented by the owner of a local SIGN company in Wichita.  In fact, they are next door right now as I type this, installing a new sign for our neighbors.

OSHA had previously showed up on a jobsite where their 100" SkyHook Crane was already working, with a man in the bucket.  This joker alerted the crane operator he was from OSHA, donned his hard hat and harness, and climbed the crane's ladders 80' striaght up to the distraught worker in the bucket to check to see if he was tied off. (He was)  Then an hour or so later, they showed up at their sign facility and found all manner of violations.

These guys can be ruthless, vindictive *&$%!#!s and care not a whit....if they put you out of business.

The reader's digest version of my take away was this: (and at the time, we were an OLD line, full service manufacturing sign company, certainly with many potential violations.) If OHSA shows up, your options range from Not Good to Worse to VERY BAD.  Don't completely dismiss the idea of just locking the front door and putting up signs that says "Closed" and  "For Sale".   That is pretty much a direct quote by the presenter, and he wasn't kidding.  He became and remains a friend of mine, but he recently sold the company and retired.

IMO it will only get worse as budgets are threatened and people are justifying their jobs. They do not want to have their budget cut and use the inspections as a way to justify it.   The added bonus is with the fines it is generated income for them. But on the other hand the system is in place to protect the workers, some are not smart enough to protect them selfs.

It is possiable to get through an inspection without any infractions. I have been through some in other industries but the companies all had safety and compliance officers to keep up with existing and new regs.

Itsa Little CrOoked:
I'll see your "safety and compliance officer" and raise "attorney and an insurance agent".


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