Embroidery > General Embroidery

Emb. quality example attached. Did I really get screwed?

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Denis Kolar:


#1 Problem: Poor quality digitizing, #2 Hooping technique (that includes the PROPER use of the CORRECT backing), #3 Thread tensions, #4 Probably sewn way too fast.

Actually, it's not all that easy to diagnose "from afar" even with a decent pic, but I suspect you'll need a different embroiderer.

Thanks everyone for the education. Not having any exp. At Emb. It helps for me to know what to look for next time and can speak a little of the lingo.

I contacted a company about 40 miles from me and they have great samples.
I originally posted here for the contract work and digitizing but nobody here bit on it. I assumed it was just too low in quantity to be attractive as contract. 26 units.

Denis Kolar:
How big was a small text? I would not make it any smaller than a .25", especially that thin. You could get it that thin but you would have to use thinner needles and 60 weight thread.
26 units for a small shop is a decent amount to work on, but only if the garment is purchased through the shop too. Contract work, not as great of a deal.  

I agree with Dennis, small text is a bear to deal with.  I don't like to go below .2" tall.  Under that and it looks bad usually, especially on polos.  Polos are the worst to sew on and the most popular thing we do.


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