Author Topic: No Answer for 2+weeks  (Read 11883 times)

Offline Dottonedan

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #30 on: December 18, 2012, 09:28:22 PM »
Boy, do I know first hand about (two sides to every story).  I have had a few jump on a forum only for the sole purpose of calling me out on something they felt passionately about and giving their side. I do not hate my old time foes, I embrace them as a human being and acknowledge that they are the same as I. We are flawed and I hope for grace and mercy when I make another mistake.

In the not so distant past, I found it interesting and humorous when people did occasionally attack and to admit my dark side, I sometimes enjoyed a good  battle like any other average person. Not so much these days. I'm more preoccupied with doing good things.

We really need to just improve and help each other. We are all flawed and are not perfect and we each can occasionally drop the ball or even make a major error in choice of word, actions or decisions. Some of you are farther along in your walk of perfection than others. Reach out to them and provide a helping hand. (I know, I'm sounding like preacher). ;)

When we see a mistake or see a lack of decent action or we've had a miss placed theory on how business is run, lets allow everyone to learn from that and not bash your fellow industry person, but rather lets be constructive and assist.

We are usually blind to our own faults in the matter or won't easily admit it to ourselves and address our own issues. Oh sure, they felt 100% right, but were they? I'm not really speaking on this topic, but forum bashing in general. This isn't really out of hand. Just uncomfortable at the moment.

I feel that good constructive criticism on a forum about a product or service is educational for all. Bashing is not. Lets just consider where we lie in that equation for future reference on similar situations. I say this not to be directed to this or any previous situations but because I want you all to be aware, that we are not going to leave a door open bashing episodes. We do not want to begin to be that forum. It's not good business. Just say what you need to say in a constructive educational manor. State your experiences and refrain from battles. Again, this thread is not that bad but occasionally has teetered on the side of something we don't want to be.
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail

Offline ericheartsu

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #31 on: December 18, 2012, 09:41:09 PM »
Believe me, talking problems out in a forum is not the way i'd like things to be handle. I called and emailed repeatedly, much like some other users on here, with some other issues with other people and company.

This is a last resort of sorts.

I'm out of the office all this week, doing some music recordings, and i was hoping while i was in the studio to set this up. This is why it was purchased 3 weeks to my planned time out.

Joe did call my shop today. My wife took the call and asked one of our more tech savvy employees to speak with him, as i briefed him on what the issues were. Again, the answers we needed were not given with a promise of a "I'll call back tomorrow". So hopefully that's the case, as all emails have been ignored thus far.

All i can hope is that this does get worked out, and we can move on from this, everyone more the wiser.

 This is post and board is not meant to slander, or talk trash. It's meant as an educational post and board. And Dan is right sometimes We all need to learn a thing or two. But i for one try and take care of all of my customers. no matter how angry they make me, or how frustrating it gets.
Night Owls
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Offline Dottonedan

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #32 on: December 18, 2012, 09:58:57 PM »
I know for me, the idea that "The customer is always right" is not true.  For example, I was at a shop today doing a semi pre evaluation for consulting. I was told by the plant Mgr. they were achieving something and he was confident he was doing it well. In fact maybe boasting a little. He was not. He's not bad. He just didn't know what he didn't know.

We try to cater to our customers as best as humanly possible. There are those time tho.

Lastly,  I think that maybe I think of this method of " using the forum as a last resort" as still being a negative rather than a positive. I for example, don't want people to see our forum as a vehicle for someone's "last resort".

With that said, I am as guilty as the next person and could end up one day mistakenly doing the same thing, so I don't fault you for it.
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail

Offline ericheartsu

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #33 on: December 18, 2012, 10:00:34 PM »
it was this, or be out $700. no thanks on that option.
Night Owls
Waterbased screen printing and promo products. 281.741.7285

Offline tworksjoe

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #34 on: December 19, 2012, 02:12:43 AM »
I think the facts are being misrepresented here, so I have these last words to say about this.

First, I went through my email history and noticed there was only a total of two business days that I didn't respond before this thread began. Two business days since the last email that I hadn't responded to, not two weeks!

Yes, perhaps it has been two weeks since the software was purchased, and for that I'm truly sorry that you're still having problems, but only until last Thursday did I truly know anything was wrong. Somehow, I assumed you had used the multi-user before, which is why I didn't send the normal email I send to newbies. I suppose I don't blame you that you felt that this was a last resort, it's just that I cannot sit idle while a category dedicated to my software is firing off even if it is a complaint.

I know that my support is in need of improvement right now, but I promise you that your situation will get resolved Wednesday and you'll see that you made a wise investment. Please bear with me through the next month while I wrap up the new version of T-Works, we'll have so many great things coming in January and you won't be paying those ridiculous monthly recurring fees that some of the bozos on this forum are paying for in shop management software!

Offline Denis Kolar

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #35 on: December 19, 2012, 07:45:03 AM »
Joe, is that the version that was supposed to be out in January this year?
When I purchased my copy, you mentioned that the new version should be out in "next few weeks".

Offline GraphicDisorder

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #36 on: December 19, 2012, 07:52:16 AM »
So someone is lying or embellishing.  I think if this is going to be public and the big deal was "how long it took to email".  Then lets see proof on both sides of the time line, one is claiming no reply for a long time, one claims a reply in 2 business days (IMO too long still for a support person to be answering a paying customer). 

I have a retail portion of our business, our products say made to order, 7-14 business days on them.  I get a ton of people that after 3-4 business days, its suddenly been "2 weeks" what is the status on my order.  Is this the case here?  Or has it really been that long?
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Offline Socalfmf

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #37 on: December 19, 2012, 08:02:48 AM »
WOW are great at BUSINESS...So now I am a BOZO?  nice...real nice...yeah this might be a forum about your product but it is driven by people like me and many others....

I will tell you, your actions here and with you words, I now know I made the right choice by going with PRICEIT...

I really feel for the people who have your product with no support and really for a guy who spent his money with you and 3 weeks later still cannot use it....

I truly hope you "get" to understand business before it is too late..


Offline ericheartsu

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #38 on: December 19, 2012, 09:07:48 AM »
attached is a screen shot with all the email history i have from Joe.

I have 10 emails all together. Alot of times he starts his email by saying, oh i sent this to you already, check your junk mail. I check my junk mail daily, in case any orders or weird emails go through there.

The first email i received is on 11/27/12 before i purchased the software, asking about multi users. I purchased the software on Dec 3rd. On Dec 7th i filed a claim with paypal trying to get refunded for the software, as i had sent 1 or 2 emails, but called daily as i was having some issues setting up the software, and the instructions were for a pc not a mac. The claim had some notifications, so i called Joe, who finally answered. Said he needed to send me another email with the correct files. This phone call took place i believe around 10am. I'll have to double check. At 1:45am i finally get an email with files. This is what i was looking for and i begin to set it up.

Shortly after i receive the software and begin to set it up, i have multiple questions about software, and about filemaker. I send them over, and have a short email exchange, however the 4 email exchange is mostly about getting a refund, and not answering my technical questions on the software. This was all on Dec 12th.

So if you are keeping count: 2 emails before i purchased the software (11/27, 11/29), 2 emails from when i purchased it (12/3, that include the license, and software beta downloads), 1 email (12/10), that had the updated correct files for the software, 4 emails (12/12), trying to get some answers/arguing for a refund, as i've had less than superb service, and finally the last email i've received from Joe on 12/18/12 (yesterday), that was a generic email that had a links and quick start instructions for the non beta version of the software.

Now as i mentioned i'm not in the office, so i'm unavailable to take Joe's calls, but when my wife and employee say..yah he didn't really answer the questions we were asking, and called the shop at 530pm (almost as if to catch us not there), then said oh well i can't really talk i gotta go, but i'll call back tomorrow....still seems a little fishy.

It may not have been exactly two weeks, but when you purchase software or equipment, and you can't get it up and running for two weeks, when you have time scheduled to do so, and you can't get any support...well i'm sure all of you know how that feels.
Night Owls
Waterbased screen printing and promo products. 281.741.7285

Offline tworksjoe

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #39 on: December 19, 2012, 09:13:18 AM »
Joe, is that the version that was supposed to be out in January this year?
When I purchased my copy, you mentioned that the new version should be out in "next few weeks".

Yes, it has taken me much longer to release than expected obviously, and has set off a chain if events that have seriously hurt. However, it is in beta and I am still honoring my commitment if I have promised you a free upgrade. I will send you links for the beta as well a new license key.

Offline inkman996

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #40 on: December 19, 2012, 09:19:55 AM »
Calling people Bozos and newbies is not a great way to endear people to using you in the future. I understand it is frustrating for you to deal with a less than happy customer in an open forum but lashing out at others is not professional at all.
"No man is an island"

Offline tworksjoe

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #41 on: December 19, 2012, 09:22:00 AM »
WOW are great at BUSINESS...So now I am a BOZO?  nice...real nice...yeah this might be a forum about your product but it is driven by people like me and many others....

I will tell you, your actions here and with you words, I now know I made the right choice by going with PRICEIT...

I really feel for the people who have your product with no support and really for a guy who spent his money with you and 3 weeks later still cannot use it....

I truly hope you "get" to understand business before it is too late..


From my perspective, your certainly making some harsh judgements about a situation you know little about and from mostly one perspective. Posting regularly on this forum does not give you immunity, nor does it mean that I'm unable to express my opinion.

Offline Socalfmf

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #42 on: December 19, 2012, 09:30:11 AM »
keep digging JOE...keep are totally correct it is a free country....and again, good luck in business and getting customers when you are calling us BOZO's and being rude to current customers...

again..I am so glad we use PRICEIT and not YOUR Product...

Offline GraphicDisorder

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #43 on: December 19, 2012, 09:33:53 AM »
attached is a screen shot with all the email history i have from Joe.

I have 10 emails all together. Alot of times he starts his email by saying, oh i sent this to you already, check your junk mail. I check my junk mail daily, in case any orders or weird emails go through there.

The first email i received is on 11/27/12 before i purchased the software, asking about multi users. I purchased the software on Dec 3rd. On Dec 7th i filed a claim with paypal trying to get refunded for the software, as i had sent 1 or 2 emails, but called daily as i was having some issues setting up the software, and the instructions were for a pc not a mac. The claim had some notifications, so i called Joe, who finally answered. Said he needed to send me another email with the correct files. This phone call took place i believe around 10am. I'll have to double check. At 1:45am i finally get an email with files. This is what i was looking for and i begin to set it up.

Shortly after i receive the software and begin to set it up, i have multiple questions about software, and about filemaker. I send them over, and have a short email exchange, however the 4 email exchange is mostly about getting a refund, and not answering my technical questions on the software. This was all on Dec 12th.

So if you are keeping count: 2 emails before i purchased the software (11/27, 11/29), 2 emails from when i purchased it (12/3, that include the license, and software beta downloads), 1 email (12/10), that had the updated correct files for the software, 4 emails (12/12), trying to get some answers/arguing for a refund, as i've had less than superb service, and finally the last email i've received from Joe on 12/18/12 (yesterday), that was a generic email that had a links and quick start instructions for the non beta version of the software.

Now as i mentioned i'm not in the office, so i'm unavailable to take Joe's calls, but when my wife and employee say..yah he didn't really answer the questions we were asking, and called the shop at 530pm (almost as if to catch us not there), then said oh well i can't really talk i gotta go, but i'll call back tomorrow....still seems a little fishy.

It may not have been exactly two weeks, but when you purchase software or equipment, and you can't get it up and running for two weeks, when you have time scheduled to do so, and you can't get any support...well i'm sure all of you know how that feels.

Today at 11am is 12 business days since you purchased.  I would indeed be upset if I had spent what you spent and it wasn't working still or I was not able to get answers I need.  I would seek a refund/claim/then move on. 

This is where I have a problem with how you have handled this.  When someone else is dropping the ball, illustrate that exactly, embellishing it makes you look bad.  Your original post, basically a total stretch stating 3 weeks since order, which is incorrect:

Purchased the software three weeks ago. Got a little bit of service, that didn't help very much. Asked for a refund. Got an answer that said, sorry can't do that, and haven't heard from Joe since.

IMO he should refund you and you both be on your way. 
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Offline tworksjoe

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Re: No Answer for 2+weeks
« Reply #44 on: December 19, 2012, 09:36:12 AM »
Your right, I take back what I say about anyone who is a Bozo or Newbie, not the best choice of words, I'm sorry. Just a little heated.