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WTB M&R Tri-loc Registration Pallet 23X31

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It was me. :) :) :) :) :)

Ahhh Just kidding

i just got a full almost new trilockoff ebay for 1300 so keep your eyes peeled

why is this thing so expensive? there's a few hundred bucks worth of aluminum plus some R&D time, but 2400.00 new? no way.  I bet they would sell 4 to 1 if the price was more reasonable, in the 1k range. I would like to see a new reg system developed, taking elements from the newman wing style system and something that didn't require carrier sheets, like permanent reg marks. What if you have all 4 corners of your film have the same reg marks - no matter what, and those same regs marks on your glass. like a clear sticker. Line up the film reg marks to the ones on the glass, tape the film to the glass, pop the screen into a jig, expose and carry on. I may be onto something here.

then you write an action for PS or Illy, or a macro for corel that puts THOSE EXACT registration marks in the right spot and wham, problem solved.

Homer, I like you more and more every day, now where is my order?


--- Quote from: Homer on June 22, 2011, 08:23:49 AM ---why is this thing so expensive? there's a few hundred bucks worth of aluminum plus some R&D time, but 2400.00 new? no way.  I bet they would sell 4 to 1 if the price was more reasonable, in the 1k range. I would like to see a new reg system developed, taking elements from the newman wing style system and something that didn't require carrier sheets, like permanent reg marks. What if you have all 4 corners of your film have the same reg marks - no matter what, and those same regs marks on your glass. like a clear sticker. Line up the film reg marks to the ones on the glass, tape the film to the glass, pop the screen into a jig, expose and carry on. I may be onto something here.

--- End quote ---

I agree 100%. The problem is there are only 3 systems that I am aware of (Vastex, Newman & M&R). Without much competition, prices are higher. But I will say that if a system can make your set up times be spot on without needed to micro anything, it is worth a LOT to the printer. But this is I was getting at in my pre-reg thread; it should not be that difficult for a perfect pre-reg system to be developed. I am still amazed that more manufacturers do not have one. I wonder if the existing 3 have a lot of copyrights that make it too difficult for another company to manufacture one.


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