
Check one that you believe to be true about corels stability

Corel is unstable
9 (47.4%)
Corel is not unstable
4 (21.1%)
Corel is fine but adobe is better
1 (5.3%)
Corel is just as stable as adobe
5 (26.3%)

Total Members Voted: 19

Voting closed: December 04, 2012, 09:56:19 PM

Author Topic: A poll on corels stability  (Read 4287 times)

Offline inkman996

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A poll on corels stability
« on: November 29, 2012, 09:56:19 PM »
Me and foster have been having a discussion about Corel on Facebook.

Here's the deal foster posted up a FB post about 11 tips to help make Corel run with less crashes. I fealt a bit insulted because all I ever have heard from Corel reps and gurus over the years is complete BS about excuses as to why Corel crashes. It is never ever corels fault but something the user is doing wrong or his PC has issues. It really is insulting because some of us run our rigs in top shape, never over install fonts etc. I for instance have used Corel since three and have run it on count less machines and yet the stability is always an issue always.  My limited experience with adobe products has always been trouble free always. Corel clearly suffers when you run a complex system with multiple peripherals and mandatory back ground services. It simply sux plain and simple. I remarked to foster about how it has been tiring over the years to hear the same old BS about it and his responses has been he never has crashing issues, and one other user chimed in and said the same thing. Yet damn near every one I know has the same complaints about corels stability, it really is so bad I cringe when I am about to execute something as simple as a weld object command.

Plain and simple it is where adobe has blown Corel away, adobe obviously worked hard to make their software friendly in the work intensive department, Corel needs to think about that or else people like me and I bet others will leave it behind and move to adobe products.

 I am runningthe poll because I am curious how others that use Corel feel.

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Offline Homer

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Re: A poll on corels stability
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2012, 10:08:40 PM »
the only time I cringe is when I try to import an AI file, other than that. it really doesn't crash, maybe once a month at most. what version do you have now, sounds painful.
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Offline inkman996

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Re: A poll on corels stability
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2012, 10:20:24 PM »
Currently x5 avoiding six till I hear its worth it. It's always been a crappy program any rig any version. X3 was probably the best out of the whole lot.
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Offline GraphicDisorder

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Re: A poll on corels stability
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2012, 10:32:53 PM »
The couple times I tried it I found it buggy.  Shelly now has it built in to her Wilcom....it's still buggy.
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Offline jason-23

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Re: A poll on corels stability
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2012, 10:39:29 PM »
Im running x6 now and have been for awhile. Maybe 4 crashes in about 6 months nothing like it used to in x3 or x5 on my old rig running xp. My new rig is a 64 bit 16g ram and pretty fresh as far as memory room. I think x6 is the best so far and I run x4, x6, AI, photoshop and Painter12 all at the same time with little to no lag or crashes. I do hit Control S a lot just out of habit for fear of crashing during illustrations. It seems to crash when I do a smart fill out side of an object that I wanted to fill by mistake. But it usually has a backup saved when I restart the app.  I do see your point Ai never crashes on me but then again I dont use it as much as CDR.

Offline BorisB

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Re: A poll on corels stability
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2012, 11:33:46 PM »
Three of my employees do 80% of their work with CorelDraw (currently X5), and fourth roughly 30-40%. We always use odd Versions, they were performing as expected with little frustrations . There are situations where we know it will crash. Vector object with excessive nodes, which Illustrator swallows not  easily but without crashing.
But I'm strict in setup & usage of this computers. Only CorelDraw (with some macros), Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, Fontnavigator, MS Office and ERP. Reduce number of open files, no other software installed, no web browsing, no music, no FB, no BS..... just work machine. Which are not super machines, i5 or i7 with 8GB, all files saved directly on server.

My 20 years experience with Corel and 12 years experience with multiple users at my shop shows that whichever version we are using M has most crashes, B has most "shity Corel didn't save my last version" and S is wondering what problems those two have.

With Adobe Illustrator we have less trouble, but we use it only a little. Photoshop is great and stable.


Offline mk162

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Re: A poll on corels stability
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2012, 08:34:33 AM »
the only time I have problems is importing some files...but iwth x6 that has mostly gone away.  x5 was terrible.  They really didn't do themselves any favor releasing that program.

I uninstalled 5 when I installed 6.

Offline Command-Z

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Re: A poll on corels stability
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2012, 10:04:28 AM »
At my old full time gig I ran CorelDRAW and AI side by side an a brand-new PC. Two other artists did as well. DRAW would crash at least twice a week for me (on its own, not including time spent running the plug-in my company made), Illustrator maybe twice in the five years I worked there. Pretty much the same for the others.

DRAW is an awesome piece of software for sure. Better than AI in so many ways... But as of X3, not nearly as stable even on the most tuned systems. Back when DRAW was made for Mac, it was extremely unstable.

I haven't run DRAW since X3, since I left that job. All Adobe now, on a Mac. I've been using AI CS5 for a while now and I did have one crash.
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Offline 3Deep

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Re: A poll on corels stability
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2012, 11:24:20 AM »
I work form Illy and have customers that send me art from Draw and the color change over is very funky and the gradient fill gets very wacky.  Speaking of crashing I,ve been having problems running Illy and Photoshop at the same time, one program will stop working and then it shuts both programs down for a reboot.

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Re: A poll on corels stability
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2012, 11:33:16 AM »
Used Corel since version four, been crashing it on a regular basis since version 7.  As mentioned, for the money it's a great program, but some versions were horrendous.   Back when I was doing signs I used version 9 cleaning up huge documents for cutting on a regular basis, I'd occasionally crash the program twice in an hour.

I get the feeling they just use poor practices when it comes to data and handling memory--the computers with loads of resources always seemed to crash less than the older, slower machines.

And even X6 now, have had files that either don't import right, don't import anything, or crash.  No problem with the older CS5 suite opening them up.

Offline Action1

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Re: A poll on corels stability
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2012, 11:43:19 AM »
I've been using Corel since Harvard Graphics went away (Circa 1990? ). I'm on it almost every day for one reason or another.  I have X4 and really don't remember having the crashing issues that are being referred to.My success with it could be because I have always used good machinery to run it with much more memory than needed. I give Corel 2 thumbs up for reliability.

Offline inkman996

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Re: A poll on corels stability
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2012, 12:15:36 PM »
Used Corel since version four, been crashing it on a regular basis since version 7.  As mentioned, for the money it's a great program, but some versions were horrendous.   Back when I was doing signs I used version 9 cleaning up huge documents for cutting on a regular basis, I'd occasionally crash the program twice in an hour.

I get the feeling they just use poor practices when it comes to data and handling memory--the computers with loads of resources always seemed to crash less than the older, slower machines.

And even X6 now, have had files that either don't import right, don't import anything, or crash.  No problem with the older CS5 suite opening them up.

You bring up an important point Foo and thats its worth versus cost and that has always been one of the softwares biggest selling points is the fact it is much cheaper than an Adobe suite. But that is changing, their pricing is changing now and probably will with each new release, that said I hope they can improve under the hood issues since they want to sell it a bit higher than was typical over the years.

I am surprised to hear some have next to none issues with the software, I hate to say it but I think there must be some luck involved, for instance their machine is just right for some reason. I have run it on many rigs and always had issues, you do learn what is the worst culprit and save before taking any chances, their back up recovery has saved my arse many times thats an improvement but just a band aide IMHO.
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Offline mk162

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Re: A poll on corels stability
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2012, 12:56:22 PM »
the issues I have had recently have been with macros.  So I can't really blame that on corel when a plug in not created by them crashes the program

Offline Gabe

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Re: A poll on corels stability
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2012, 01:51:38 PM »
Used Corel since version four, been crashing it on a regular basis since version 7.  As mentioned, for the money it's a great program, but some versions were horrendous.   Back when I was doing signs I used version 9 cleaning up huge documents for cutting on a regular basis, I'd occasionally crash the program twice in an hour.

I get the feeling they just use poor practices when it comes to data and handling memory--the computers with loads of resources always seemed to crash less than the older, slower machines.

And even X6 now, have had files that either don't import right, don't import anything, or crash.  No problem with the older CS5 suite opening them up.

You bring up an important point Foo and thats its worth versus cost and that has always been one of the softwares biggest selling points is the fact it is much cheaper than an Adobe suite. But that is changing, their pricing is changing now and probably will with each new release, that said I hope they can improve under the hood issues since they want to sell it a bit higher than was typical over the years.

I am surprised to hear some have next to none issues with the software, I hate to say it but I think there must be some luck involved, for instance their machine is just right for some reason. I have run it on many rigs and always had issues, you do learn what is the worst culprit and save before taking any chances, their back up recovery has saved my arse many times thats an improvement but just a band aide IMHO.
I wouldn`t call it some luck involved Inkman some guys like Action1,Frog,and myself have nothing but good Karma involved  OOOOOUUUUUUHHHMMMMM

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Re: A poll on corels stability
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2012, 02:04:39 PM »
Oh. I've had my problems over the years, but generally with "crazy noded" designs from outside sources as has been pointed out.
Also, I am still running an old Athlon 64 machine with only 2 gigs of memory built for me by Lance at least five or six years ago.

I didn't vote because I have nothing to compare it to since Freehand 5, but it's interesting that "Unstable" is slightly trailing in the results so far,
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