screen printing > Screen Making

eighty screens in eighty minutes (DTS cons and pros)

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One thing that can't be disputed about inkjet CTS I-Image ST and up from M&R is that Danny won a crap ton of awards with screens all produced on the InkJet soooooooo, like mentioned above, go for what fits you best, but those awards speak volumes on the quality of screens being produced from the I-Image units. ;D


--- Quote from: screenprintguy on November 30, 2016, 05:47:33 PM ---One thing that can't be disputed about inkjet CTS I-Image ST and up from M&R is that Danny won a crap ton of awards with screens all produced on the InkJet soooooooo, like mentioned above, go for what fits you best, but those awards speak volumes on the quality of screens being produced from the I-Image units. ;D

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--- Quote from: screenprintguy on November 30, 2016, 05:47:33 PM ---One thing that can't be disputed about inkjet CTS I-Image ST and up from M&R is that Danny won a crap ton of awards with screens all produced on the InkJet soooooooo, like mentioned above, go for what fits you best, but those awards speak volumes on the quality of screens being produced from the I-Image units. ;D

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You could say the same about film honestly.  The masking medium/mechanism needs to be at an acceptable level of resolution and d max but it doesn't make a print work, that all happens up and down the line imo. 

There are side by side's out there that would show you the opposite regarding wax v. ink but you can make any one thing look a little better than another if you want.  True side by side comparisons are hard to come by. 

Thx Alex, that sounds like a sweet spot resolution and could be a part of why some rave about ink CTS perhaps?  Aside from Kiwo's latest offering none of the wax units run higher than 600dpi and wax can outperform ink I think at that lower res, it kind of softens up the dot shape, but all units will perform best at 900dpi and up.

Let's see if I can do this. Trying to attach a picture of some half tones on a wax machine. (I have both, so I'm not saying one is better than the other) This is a 65 LPI dot on a 355-31 mesh. Can't tell you the percentage dot, but you can guess as well as I can. There is a line through the halftone, which is why I took the picture.

Again, both types of machines have their strengths and weaknesses. You have to decide which is better for you. Almost ANY CTS is better than film, in my opinion.


--- Quote from: ZooCity on November 30, 2016, 08:25:39 PM ---
--- Quote from: screenprintguy on November 30, 2016, 05:47:33 PM ---One thing that can't be disputed about inkjet CTS I-Image ST and up from M&R is that Danny won a crap ton of awards with screens all produced on the InkJet soooooooo, like mentioned above, go for what fits you best, but those awards speak volumes on the quality of screens being produced from the I-Image units. ;D

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You could say the same about film honestly.  The masking medium/mechanism needs to be at an acceptable level of resolution and d max but it doesn't make a print work, that all happens up and down the line imo. 

There are side by side's out there that would show you the opposite regarding wax v. ink but you can make any one thing look a little better than another if you want.  True side by side comparisons are hard to come by. 

I totally get your point! My point was, for the guy asking, and anyone looking into CTS, the fact that Inkjet CTS machines produce award winning shirts should put anyone at ease about the wonder or worry if the inkjet is "good". We can get super technical under a microscope about anything, but honestly, when was the last time anyone's customers said, hey, I want to see the dots on your stencil before you print my shirts, and I want to see them under the microscope? And ifffff, someone has a customer like that, they may want to run for the hills because that's the customer that is insane. I understand that even microscopic differences eventually translate to larger final result differences, but in this case, even judges at shows aren't seeing any difference in final prints, if they did, the shirts wouldn't win. I mean at the end of the day, that is what we are right, t-shirt printers. There are plennnnnty of shops out there with the best of the best of the best pumping out crap, so it's really up to the individuals to make that final difference. I'm not saying one is better than the other, like Dave said, their are points on both sides, what I'm saying is, like anything in our industry, performance, reliability and support are KEY when investing in a tool that you need to rely on day to day. M&R saw that when starting out with Epson based units and re-wrote what they were doing by going with a "ground up" design for that performance and reliability reason. I can't say that about other machines simply based off of other people's experiences having to wait weeks on end for parts or someone to show up to fix ect. Maybe some companies have improved that, but it's a huge consideration on what becomes such a HUGE part of a shop's day to day operation. No screens, no shirts, that's the bottom line. So, making sure you have that support, like I said is key. I personally feel a lot more secure having a machine that is supported by the company who I bought it from, who makes it themselves rather than something labeled over and over by a brand that relabels for a company that was built in another country by another company. If local support and parts are always on hand for other brands, then that's awesome, but how do you find that out really? At any rate, like TH said in his resurrection of this thread, he wanted individual opinions and experiences so I don't want any of my comments to seem arguementiive, I'm just pointing out my view and experience being with CTS for over 4 years now.  :)

Thx Alex, that sounds like a sweet spot resolution and could be a part of why some rave about ink CTS perhaps?  Aside from Kiwo's latest offering none of the wax units run higher than 600dpi and wax can outperform ink I think at that lower res, it kind of softens up the dot shape, but all units will perform best at 900dpi and up.

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