screen printing > Screen Making

eighty screens in eighty minutes (DTS cons and pros)

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I Image ST, had the original Epson based I-Image first then upgraded, you WILL NOT REGRET IT!!!!

I couldn't find any resolution information on the I image units but, presuming you were comparing 600dpi to 600dpi, wax to screen my understanding is that you'll find the wax dots a little smoother.   Wax units do not use multiple heads which is going to make the inherently more accurate than a multi-head printer but, barring a bi-d mode, makes wax slower than say a 3 head inkjet unit.   Imaging speed may or may not be important in your shop.

This difference may be inconsequential or important depending on your needs.   

My recommendation is seek out a unit that has the best RIP workflow and the highest resolution option.   I feel that 600 is too low for screen masking and 900 should be the min res for this application with 1200 or higher preferable for some work. 

For us it came down to workflow, imaging size, footprint and resolution more than ink v. wax. 


--- Quote from: ZooCity on November 30, 2016, 02:42:45 PM ---I couldn't find any resolution information on the I image units

--- End quote ---

I'm still quite new to our upgrade I-IMAGE but we print at 900*1200 if that helps!

Email bimmrider he has had wax just went to inkjet says big difference.


We had inkjet(Lawson and M&r i image) and just switched to wax. Stay tuned next week I will be posting about our switch.


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