Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
What is the model number of that unit?Do you know what type of light that main one is? halogen- for the single point) and (was) fluorescent originally, but are now those other ones. (combination of multi-point and single point).The two auxiliary lights appear to be quartz, and I worry that the center is as well, since there is no shutter. (Otherwise, you win with with a hot strike metal halide!) It's a halogen. Do halogen need warmed up?The three lights defeat the purpose of a single point source, and I wonder if the previous owner added the extra two to decrease time. The original system actually came with florescent also. I read that this unit (with florescent) is a mid level unit. Designed for mid level detail. Unlike a start up florescent unit.The vacuum top, especially after repair, is the strong point on this unit. If I'm correct about the quartz lights, and you want to step up the performance, you could drop a light/shutter/integrator Olec or similar in there since they pop up used quite often.
I agree good equipment can help, but the real deal is the person, I,ve seen some doggone good work done on a flo tube unit very detailed work. If I had everything Bluemoon has I still couldn't do what he is doing his prints are killer.Darryl