Author Topic: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?  (Read 12450 times)

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Re: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2011, 08:28:05 PM »
Exuberant style welcome. Conceited vanity whores, not.   ;)

Like your new avatar  ;)
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Re: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2011, 09:29:44 PM »
...I had an experience where Bill and another member at the M&R forum were mocking anyone that doesnt use only rollerframes and high-tension screens, and doing so in a very immature way. I found it VERY offensive to those of us that run our business under different procedures.

...That being said, I still would also like to hear and read what he has to say and offer, its those contrasting ideas that spawn ingenuity in our industry. I agree that his "I can do no wrong" style of delivery can be a bit harsh, but I think we are all adult enough here to see thru that.

...I certainly wouldnt lump him into the same category of the person whose existence essentially brought this forum to life. Yknow, now that I think about it, how ARE we supposed to refer to said person around here? I feel kinda silly dancing around his name(s).
Thanks TSB gang!!

...Sean, Mr Tees!!!

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Re: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2011, 10:19:55 PM »
...I certainly wouldnt lump him into the same category of the person whose existence essentially brought this forum to life. Yknow, now that I think about it, how ARE we supposed to refer to said person around here? I feel kinda silly dancing around his name(s).

"He who shall not be named"



Which is so easy to pronounce....
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Re: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2011, 10:20:28 PM »
I've also read many (not all) of Mr Hood's posts and I have found most of them useful.  However, I do think that at times Bill can go over the top and sometimes will dig in his heels and that reflects on him negatively at times.

I guess my honest opinion is that his posts can often compete with the well being of a forum, like a catalyst to one discussion or a single argument.  Personally I have no ill will towards him but I really wonder whether he is a benefit or a hinderance.

I dont want to be one to judge but i do have mixed feelings about him or any one person overwhelming the atmosphere here.

Then again, some people might deserve being given the benefit of the doubt

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Re: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2011, 10:40:37 PM »
Bill is good people, and I'd like to see him here. 

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Re: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2011, 10:49:18 PM »
The difference between BH and RB as loosely translated from Justice Potter Stewart:
"I don't know what obscene is, but I know it when I see it.".
50% of the time I'm 100% right.

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Bring back Bill! Bring back Bill:)
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2011, 11:58:33 AM »
 Although most of Bill's posts are half a book in length, I have found him to be a guy who is simply passionate in the,"art", of the screen printing process. There have been posts where I felt applications in day to day, get the job done, situations were being over looked by very technical, sometimes over the top processes. But, it's also not rocket science to see that his intension is to put information out there that you can slowly integrate into your, day to day, processes. Bill, unlike a lot of other consultants out there, will actually take the time, any time, to email, pm, or call you if he sees that you really need help with something that he can help you with. I know there were a few times when I had posted on another forum and got some outrageous responses from some, and then Bill would have a realistic answer. Everyone that I have met in my short, yet growing career as a print shop owner, feel's that their way is the best, or the only way to do things. I really think that the end product/result of your process is where the proof is. What works for one printer, or shop, may not work for the other, as long as everyone keeps the highest standards in the broadest spectrum, and keeps their customers happy, I feel you will all enjoy success. If you feel his post offends you, trust me, he is cool enough of a guy to personal message about the topic and watch the philosophical wall turn into a door that Bill will certainly open for you, and I bet you will find him very helpful.

 Personally, I thank you Bill and appreciate you, your posts, and the personal advice that you have given me for my company. There are quite a few other guys out there I'd like to thank as well, such as Alan, from SRI, always being a bud and someone I can count on when I'm in a pinch for advice, Rich Hoffman who has given my wife and I great advice, sometimes, I didn't take it at first, but then kicked myself in the can, the guy really cares about the people that work hard in and for this industry. Dave Filip who has given me great advice and made himself available for advice on my press adjustments recently, thanks Dave. My bud Patrick from Real Thread, thanks for helping me get started with w/b printing man! There are quite a few others, the point I'm making is that as much as a lot of people would like to make a competition out of things, when printers from around the country help each other out, they all make each other better, everyone always has something else to learn, that's for sure!  Thanks for the online communities that want to stay drama free, and I look forward to more educational posts!


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Re: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2011, 12:27:16 PM »
We have a phrase in my shop we use whenever something goes wrong and we're caught having to Macguyver up something ridiculous:  "Killing Mr. Hood".

Its funny because we imagine the conniption Bill would have if he witnessed some of the $hit we've had to pull over the years.

That said, while I don't always agree with Mr. Hood (I don't always agree with ANYONE, nor does anyone, I think), I appreciate his deep knowledge and passion and always enjoy reading what he has to say.

Personally, I think it is a bit heavy handed to prevent his posting simply based on what MIGHT happen.  P has an issue where he is too lenient at times . . . I think this is the other side of the pendulum.
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Re: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?
« Reply #23 on: June 02, 2011, 01:25:43 PM »
I've yet to see a belligerent forum member able to be recalled retroactively.
Except for maybe SicGraphix. That guy was hilarious.

There was one thread on the M&R boards where a guy, Scrimshaw I think
asked Bill if he could see a sample of this famed one-hit white, to see what
he was aiming for, and what was really possible. Bill tore him a new one just
for asking. That's bullshit. You don't purport something to the Nth degree and
then criticize when asked for proof.

Drop the underbase and print everything on 83 mesh with a 400 micron stencil.
Not the best advice for newbies.

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Re: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?
« Reply #24 on: June 02, 2011, 01:40:47 PM »
Bill does the one thing that nobody can stand.. he tells you what you're doing wrong, how to fix it and do it correctly.

for some reason, owners have a really hard time being told what to do and would rather argue that their way works just fine than accept change.

Get over that, and Bill is one, if not the single largest contribution to this industry with his teachings.

I can easily say that 50% of what I know and do is in direct reflection to Bills advice over the last 11 yrs of our friendship. I may not see eye-to-eye with all he says but I'll be damned that when I take and use his advice, it works better!
« Last Edit: June 02, 2011, 01:44:41 PM by jsheridan »
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Re: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?
« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2011, 02:05:32 PM »
Sounds like someone should do up a poll?
Barth Gimble

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Offline killergraphics

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Re: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?
« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2011, 02:16:45 PM »
I hope no one takes this the wrong way.

I am on this forum because I have friends here. Or at least people I call friends. And to help the newbies.

Lord knows I got a lot of help from a screen print forum.

Now I know that this does open the door for everyone to tell me how bad I am. Is Bill really that much worse?

He just knows more words than I do.

None of us like being told what to do, even when asking for help.

None of us will ever agree on how to do everything.

And if I like it or agree with it or not, I’m always ready to listen to a view different than mine. That helps me a lot in the ways I think about things.

Banning or self banning will always be a double edged blade.

This one thing in itself just shows we will never always agree on everything.

If he breaks forum rules than toss him.

Other than that it is just his view.

And of course he is old and loves to talk and type. I’ve got the old and talking part down…but hate to type

And can’t spell for the most part.

I go so far as to tell every jock coming up though school that one day You will need some of that stuff.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2011, 02:26:51 PM by killergraphics »

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Re: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?
« Reply #27 on: June 02, 2011, 02:24:55 PM »
Seems to me, the problem with the OLD (TSPMB) board wasn't "a person who won't be named"..people could be banned, or ignored. If they were banned so be it. The problem arose when he CONTROLED it and it became his and his ways, EVERYONE else was banned. There was no Control of the forum. There is now. NO BANS, or Exclutions unless warranted. The control of the forum is up to the "Head Guys"...they do their job, everything is smooth.          Banning can be appropriate, but a sin should be commited..My 2 cents

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Re: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?
« Reply #28 on: June 02, 2011, 02:51:57 PM »
I found this interesting and kinda goes along with different views on things.

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Re: Is Bill Hood banned from this site?
« Reply #29 on: June 02, 2011, 03:03:05 PM »
Seems to me, the problem with the OLD (TSPMB) board wasn't "a person who won't be named"..people could be banned, or ignored. If they were banned so be it. The problem arose when he CONTROLED it and it became his and his ways, EVERYONE else was banned. There was no Control of the forum. There is now. NO BANS, or Exclutions unless warranted. The control of the forum is up to the "Head Guys"...they do their job, everything is smooth.          Banning can be appropriate, but a sin should be commited..My 2 cents

Well said, Bill.

I'm against any and all censorship, period. I don't even like it when it auto-censors dirty words. I put up with it in these private forums, because it's ultimately up to the owners what the forum should be about, not me... but frankly I find the idea that someone can decide what I should see and hear far more offensive than anything anyone can post. (Even SicGrafix)!

Are-Double-ewe-Bee (stop pussyfooting and just let us SAY it... I can't even type it without your stupid auto-correct...) was damaging to TSPMB. More than just a troll, he was almost as bad as an all-out hacker. I totally understand not letting him here just because of that. But now someone's started a LIST of people not allowed to post? In the words of Han Solo, "I have a bad feeling about this."


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