Author Topic: SGIA 3rd place winner. Pierre at  (Read 2650 times)

Offline Dottonedan

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SGIA 3rd place winner. Pierre at
« on: October 18, 2012, 08:17:43 PM »
He's done it again.

We submitted two designs for SGIA this year.  The Dragon called (Unleashed) by Tom Wood and this one attached, (Bad by Design).  This one took a Bronze (3rd place) in the True 4 color process on darks and we are really happy to have that. I told Pierre, "It's official, your one baad azz printer".

Strangely enough, The Dragon did not place and we are at a loss as to why, especially since they did not present a Silver to anyone. There should have been PLENTY of submissions and choices. Considering we took 1st at ISS we thought we could place 3rd at least. Who knows what happened on that one?  Not us. We're not going to argue that of course. It's just strange how they worked it. ON top of that, you have to realize that judges are sticking to strike criteria and I can appreciate that. Maybe they saw something in the remaining tees that they felt didn't warrant a 3rd place award or didn't meet the requirements to stay in the competition. I don't think the criteria is listed on the SGIA site. Not sure. At any rate, we are thrilled to have placed anywhere with anything. We'll take what we got. ")

It's exciting to be recognized by your peers and by some of the industry's top printers and educators as judges. It's a rare opportunity to see how (what you do) stands up when setting beside some of the industry's best prints from around the world. The company that took 1st and 2nd place is from Russia. We were 3rd and Target Graphics came in at Honorable mention. This to me is worth 3rd as it takes a great deal of skill to come in slightly above Target Graphics. We were impressed with the results and competition from the ISS show and placing there in any category. To be in SGIA and place is even more rewarding. Being that the 1st and 2nd place winers in our category were from Russia, it seems sort of comparable to the Olympics and we come back home with a Bronze. The experience of getting 3rd still makes us a winner just to be in the top three. I don't feel the agony of defeat like some might. I'm very satisfied with the results.

We feel we won 3rd because of the technical achievements in this print. To look at a jpg is not enough. You've got to feel it and see it. Then, for most of us, you've got to see it under a loop. Only then, will you see what the judges took note of. Thats what I did when I got the first sample. You see, when looking at this art, it's sort oaf lacking luster. Not that much impact on "WOW!" In fact, I questioned if we should even submit this one for that reason alone. We thought, if we're going to send this one in, then we need to make it more challenging. As it was, we could have done this in spot colors and called it a day, but it wouldn't have won any awards. So we decided to do this using a discharge base and regular plastisol to see the differences. The difference was stunning and an obvious choice was the discharge.  Then, we opted to do 4 color process on black added to the whites and gray inks.

When I received the sample in the mail, I thought WOW! The blending was so incredible that it even made me questions, (Did Pierre switch the seps on me) and use spot colors?  I did do a spot color set as a back up so it was possible he was trying to pull my leg. Nope. Almost flawless printing and blending. Yes,  It's true that I say this because I did the seps). ;)  But more so, it shows how two people (Dan at Dot-Tone-Designs) and Pierre at Blue Moon Promotional. My hat is off to Pierre. He's really and truly a top printer. He's not just a (one time winner). He's building a showcase.

Category 9: Finished Garments (Dark)    Subgroup A: True Process Color Entries
   Blue Moon Promotional Inc
       BAD by Design: Bronze [/b][/color]
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail

Offline Screened Gear

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Re: SGIA 3rd place winner. Pierre at
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2012, 03:03:47 AM »
Seeing all the shirts at the show is an education. I wish I had a loop when I was looking at them. There was a ton of great ones. They had all the shirts put up on a wall so people could look at them all. They gave everyone a scanner so you can scan the bar code next to the shirts you liked. Must have been for some award. There was a shirt there that used 27 screens and another used 150 LPI screens. I really wish they would of had better lighting in that area and didn't tell me to stop taking pictures  :-[.

I saw the Bad By Design shirt but did not see the Dragon one. I may have missed it. The bad by design shirt was on the wall at ground level. It was had to see and appreciate at that level. It is better then the picture. I was surprised to see Pierre printed it on a Beefy-T. Great job Pierre.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 03:32:07 AM by Screened Gear »

Offline Dottonedan

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Re: SGIA 3rd place winner. Pierre at
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2012, 09:20:56 AM »
Thanks for the feedback!

The 150 line screen is usually done by Target Graphics. They like to use that as an eye opener selling point, but the truth is, the range of tone they use out of a 150 is more equivalent to a 75lpi.  Like using the 15-85% of the line screen. Then they open up the mid tone so it prints more clear. Still excellent but a tad misleading in my opinion. I think they also flash in between each color to maintain a crisp dot. It's 4-6 color process, but they need a large auto to do them. Most of their business is focused on this work so it must work for them.

They came in just after us with the honorable mention.

Not seeing the Dragon is kind of encouraging. Maybe they lost it or neglected to get it judged or someone stole it before it got put in. Stuff happens. I'd rather hear it was miss placed than to hear it had some technical issue that disqualified it.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 09:41:31 AM by Dottonedan »
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail

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Re: SGIA 3rd place winner. Pierre at
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2012, 12:08:07 PM »
Myself and Dave (Bimm) got to hold the shirt in our hands and take a really good look at it.. I gotta hand it to you guys, the detail is incredible!

Blacktop Graphics Screenprinting and Consulting Services

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Re: SGIA 3rd place winner. Pierre at
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2012, 09:40:05 AM »
He's done it again.

We submitted two designs for SGIA this year.  The Dragon called (Unleashed) by Tom Wood and this one attached, (Bad by Design).  This one took a Bronze (3rd place) in the True 4 color process on darks and we are really happy to have that. I told Pierre, "It's official, your one baad azz printer".

Strangely enough, The Dragon did not place and we are at a loss as to why, especially since they did not present a Silver to anyone. There should have been PLENTY of submissions and choices. Considering we took 1st at ISS we thought we could place 3rd at least. Who knows what happened on that one?  Not us. We're not going to argue that of course. It's just strange how they worked it. ON top of that, you have to realize that judges are sticking to strike criteria and I can appreciate that. Maybe they saw something in the remaining tees that they felt didn't warrant a 3rd place award or didn't meet the requirements to stay in the competition. I don't think the criteria is listed on the SGIA site. Not sure. At any rate, we are thrilled to have placed anywhere with anything. We'll take what we got. ")

Apparently, security is quite lax, and any old grungy attendee or participant has access to the entries as illustrated here.

That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

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Re: SGIA 3rd place winner. Pierre at
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2012, 12:48:11 PM »
Wow sounds like this show was a very good show, I have been very disppointed in the ISS shows and the last SGIA show I when to...maybe they are making a comeback might have to get to one or it just might be the south shows suck.

Life is like Kool-Aid, gotta add sugar/hardwork to make it sweet!!

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Re: SGIA 3rd place winner. Pierre at
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2012, 01:12:07 PM »
I was impressed with the show. Every booth I wanted to see what there. There was hardly any shirt blank booths, a good thing in my book. Many of the booths I talked to people at were not over run with people like at a ISS show. You did have to wait a little but not as long. Not good for the Exhibitors but great for us. This show what only about 20 per cent screen printing stuff. That didn't mean is was not worth it. It was huge.

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Re: SGIA 3rd place winner. Pierre at
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2012, 05:23:44 PM »
I saw that at the show, congrats, will anyone ever knock Anderson Studios off their platform, they did it again and they were amazing.
"We Make Blank Shirts Look Awesome!"

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Re: SGIA 3rd place winner. Pierre at
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2012, 07:38:04 PM »
you know, at our monday meeting this morning I was just talking about that. Andy is the KING and it will be a long time until somebody places higher then him. I can't wait to do it! <chuckles>

on a more serious note, that is about the only thing we have to look forward to. We are placing at almost all the competitions we enter and are starting to win multiple awards (at the same time). Placing higher than Andy is the main challenge now and I very much so look forward to it (even though it might be a few years before we get there!)

Yes, we've won our share of awards, and yes, I've tested stuff and read the scientific papers, but ultimately take everything I say with more than just a grain of salt! So if you are looking for trouble, just do as I say or even better, do something I said years ago!

Offline tonypep

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Re: SGIA 3rd place winner. Pierre at
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2012, 06:34:46 AM »
My friend Andy has been at this for a few years (35) and yet my other friend Pierre jumps right in the deep end and after like one year is right on his tail. As it has been said in "The Princess Bride" .......