I spent 15 years as a band teacher in The Government Schools and MANY more years of amateur envolvement since then, so this really trips my trigger! I LOVE Marching Band, and it irritates me to know how much work goes into these fine shows, that rarely are ever seen in the average living room. During halftime instead, we "cut away" to two or three overpaid, over the hill, has-been-athletes blathering on and on about what we've already seen with our own two eyes. It is a shame and it's frankly insulting to the hoards of talented, hard working young musicians. I hope I don't sound negative to sports, because I'm not, it just seems a smidge whacky, not to show to the millions of viewers what they are missing. But once again, Youtube to the rescue, no?
So I'm a biased, band nut. Get over it.
Having finished my rant, School Instrumental Music Programs benefit immensely from the strange relationship they have with sports in general and Football in particular....and wise band directors all know it. It is a generalization, but a valid one. If football were to disappear in many small town public schools, music would surely follow. It is already happening in some areas, but not too much here in Kansas. (Yet....)
Thanks for posting this video! Surely MANY marching band coordinators wet themselves just a little bit, seeing that moving horse drill in the vid. (Speechless...)