screen printing > Separations
PRINT OFF for Sim process
I would like to see how my Brown auto would compare, but I only have 6 opaques.
I could do the 6 color manual though.
Denis Kolar:
I'm in for manual (If there is a newbie category:))
One color on white LOL
I only have a 6 color auto but would love to try it. Biggest issue I see tho is color matching, we here do not use a mixing system, I think frm what little I know about sim is you need to mix colors. Correct?
--- Quote from: Inkman996 on May 27, 2011, 08:39:38 AM ---I only have a 6 color auto but would love to try it. Biggest issue I see tho is color matching, we here do not use a mixing system, I think from what little I know about sim is you need to mix colors. Correct?
--- End quote ---
Yes, or you can order the specific mixed pms inks from your ink supplier. It's more expensive but you can get PMS colors.
Why not mix your own inks? Pierre has one of the more simpler mixing systems (if I can do it, you can) and it was pretty cheap I think.
P, chime in.
Wilflex among others has the PMS colormatching in a free download. You just need to invest in the primary mixing colors and a rather cheap Acculab scale. No Brainer.
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