screen printing > Separations

PRINT OFF for Sim process

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We never had the need for mixing here since we never did sim or anything like that. A mixing system is something I want to upgrade to in time especially if the work requires it.

blue moon:

--- Quote from: Dottonedan on May 27, 2011, 09:04:31 AM ---
--- Quote from: Inkman996 on May 27, 2011, 08:39:38 AM ---I only have a 6 color auto but would love to try it. Biggest issue I see tho is color matching, we here do not use a mixing system, I think from what little I know about sim is you need to mix colors. Correct?

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Yes, or you can order the specific mixed pms inks from your ink supplier. It's more expensive but you can get PMS colors.
Why not mix your own inks?  Pierre has one of the more simpler mixing systems (if I can do it, you can) and it was pretty cheap I think.

P, chime in.

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I use Unimatch for my sim process and color matching. You can get a test kit from them with all the colors, some white and soft hand extender for $250 or so. It comes with a book with all the formulas and 14 different colors. You can download the software from their web page.
Many others offer similar systems, I just don't know if they have a sample starter kit that comes with everything  you need.
I went to Harbor Freight and bought the scale (good for 0.1g accuracy) for $15, so for under $300  you cna have a everything you need.

On the other hand, some basic colors can be mixed from the stuff you have in stock, just ask Matt (baloonguy)!


--- Quote from: Inkman996 on May 27, 2011, 09:44:26 AM ---We never had the need for mixing here since we never did sim or anything like that. A mixing system is something I want to upgrade to in time especially if the work requires it.

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We only run about 1-2 sim process a week, but very rarely does a job come in here that doesn't need several pantone matches.  It's so rare we use standard colors anymore, I've thought about just buying 5's of every MX base color and mixing every color for every job.  Would sure take up alot less room for ink!

CLark don't buy 5's of every MX color. We rarely use the magenta, violet, green, flo red and flo purple. Might want to get those in gallon containers, something to think about.

Big Frank Sports:
Just to make it interesting - 230 mesh vs 305 mesh on a manual



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