screen printing > Separations

PRINT OFF for Sim process

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Participants needed for SIM PROCESS PRINT OFF.

I am wondering if we can get at least 3 people/shops with different presses to print my same set of separations. I had always wanted to see the differences. I'd like to see the results of my seps from 3 different shops.  We could do this 2 ways.

#1, For a TIGHTER comparison, have All three shops use the same number of screens/colors, mesh count, angle and dot shape. 7 colors on an auto.

#2, All three shops intended to be of different calibers. Meaning, 1 shop is a 6 color manual. Another is a 8 color auto and the 3rd is a 12 color auto.

I start out taking my mutli colored art file and separating it down to 12 colors, then 8 and then 6.
In this case, we know the 6 color on a manual is not going to match up to a 12 color done on an auto...but we've all wondered how well or how much different is that 6 color going to be from the multi colored auto.  Will it look 10% better or 40%?  What would be the difference with the 2 colors added and on an auto? 10% better or 60% better?

It would be an interesting experiment.  What test would you like to see?  Please vote in the POLL above and then we can try to get some shops to actually print for this experiment.

Once we have printed them, each printer can get a copy sent to each other and we can post pics.

I personally think it would be more educational and informative for shops of varying size to take on the project.  If just shops with access to an auto, then it just becomes a basic print contest, especially if the equipment is somewhat equal.  While it is interesting to explore why one shop might be able to produce a superior print to another shop, it really isn't much more than an average run of the mill print contest.  However, if multiple shops take the challenge, ranging from manual to auto, then it is not only a print contest, but also something that could be used to point out the differences (aside from the obvious ones) between manual and auto shops.  It might even be fun to have each shop detail the process, going from set up and run time, so those differences can be explored as well. 

Great idea, Dan.   :)

Big Frank Sports:
I print on a Manual machine and would like to see how it would print that way. An auto is in my future but won't be an 8 screen or higher due to money at the moment.

What I would love to see is how this all can be printed on a manual.


I'm game..........might be interesting to compare and contrast std plastisol vs discharge. Depends on the seps though.

blue moon:
I say lets not stop with three! We can have more than one entry in each category. This is not a competition, but an evaluation.

The results can be analyzed and reported back. It would be a compare and contrast type of thing. So it might be a showcase for some, but a learning opportunity for others. There is always something to learn . . .

Anybody entering would get an honest feedback on how they are different from the others.


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