Author Topic: SRoque - Ryonet?  (Read 54769 times)

Offline blue moon

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #120 on: October 02, 2012, 05:55:10 PM »
So they offer four options for pre-reg?  Damn.

If I caught this right, you can get a Sroque machine that's MHM compatible, screen wise?

Very interested to see some pricing at some point.

As far as the "eek it's made in Europe!" response, well, I get that way too but if the machines have been running in Portugal for awhile and are good machines with reasonable support than it's probably no less a risk than going with an MHM. 

And look how many folks buy about rolling the dice on support...or getting a press that works.

They have been running all over the world aside from the US. They are actually the second oldest screen printing machinery company out there if I am not mistaken.
Funny you should say that about Anatol, guess what my other press is.... Would never buy another thing from them again. Well- I might consider a manual if I was in the market. Not much that service can let you down with on one of those! I actually think it is too bad about Anatol, because they CAN make a good piece of equipment- service after the sale is where they need help. Funny thing is, I am pretty sure they know that.

Back to the topic, I think SRoque has stuff all over the world, big in Europe and Africa if memory serves me correctly.

This isn't a drama post at all, I am honestly just wondering. 

Given you have had "bad" service from an overseas manufacture, what made you decide to try another one that is even less established than Anatol at least as far as USA goes.  I think id have to be concerned at what level of service I could expect if there was some problems.

overseas covers a lot of territory! Not all companies are created equal and not being from US is not a good benchmark for who and what they are.

Yes, we've won our share of awards, and yes, I've tested stuff and read the scientific papers, but ultimately take everything I say with more than just a grain of salt! So if you are looking for trouble, just do as I say or even better, do something I said years ago!

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #121 on: October 02, 2012, 06:27:10 PM »
So they offer four options for pre-reg?  Damn.

If I caught this right, you can get a Sroque machine that's MHM compatible, screen wise?

Very interested to see some pricing at some point.

As far as the "eek it's made in Europe!" response, well, I get that way too but if the machines have been running in Portugal for awhile and are good machines with reasonable support than it's probably no less a risk than going with an MHM. 

And look how many folks buy about rolling the dice on support...or getting a press that works.

They have been running all over the world aside from the US. They are actually the second oldest screen printing machinery company out there if I am not mistaken.
Funny you should say that about Anatol, guess what my other press is.... Would never buy another thing from them again. Well- I might consider a manual if I was in the market. Not much that service can let you down with on one of those! I actually think it is too bad about Anatol, because they CAN make a good piece of equipment- service after the sale is where they need help. Funny thing is, I am pretty sure they know that.

Back to the topic, I think SRoque has stuff all over the world, big in Europe and Africa if memory serves me correctly.

This isn't a drama post at all, I am honestly just wondering. 

Given you have had "bad" service from an overseas manufacture, what made you decide to try another one that is even less established than Anatol at least as far as USA goes.  I think id have to be concerned at what level of service I could expect if there was some problems.

When I was deciding, it came down to SRoque and MHM. There was nothing else out there that could really compare apples to apples. When looking at SRoque and MHM they are both from overseas, SRoque has been around longer and I was able to get in touch with 3 owners(only one directly) all of who would not stop raving about how much they liked their machine. Not a single one had had a problem. 
If(and I guess when) there is a problem I am not all that worried- I have had some equipment that has a local number and service, but they just say that.  So I am used to no support, if that happens to be the case it is not un charted territory for us. I would think it would be hard for them to have poor support considering they don't have a "cheep" or "entry level priced" machine. That in my head(tumble weed blowing across a desert) would mean they would have to maintain good standing with current customers or I would assume it would be hard to continue to sell higher priced/higher end machines. Also keep in mind with the higher end machines chances are they are going to someone that has already had an auto, they are not making the step up from the garage and a table top press. So if you are adding a auto or upgrading, chances are you are going for more features or capabilities- individual off contact, on press flocking, on press foiling, ect. All of this would mean they have to set the bar higher than a company that sells a large number of $20K-$40K machines. I'm pretty sure that I lost almost everyone there.
Guess what I was trying to say is: if they have been around since 1983 selling automatics- higher end ones at that, and are still around doing it today and advancing to another country, chances are they are doing something right.

Go ahead ask me another question, I can probably type out another cluster-f*%$ of an answer before the day ends! ;D

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Offline alan802

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #122 on: October 02, 2012, 06:59:41 PM »
Which anatol auto do you have TCT?

I've always got my ear to the ground when it comes to who is giving good and bad service and the one that has come up a few times on this thread seems to have taken a nose dive after a few years of trending in the right direction.  It's almost like they've given up and they are perfectly content with being number 2 here in the states and selling presses to shops that will likely never buy another one or at least not another one from them.  I don't see how that is a good business plan for an automatic manufacturer. 

I had to deal with the questions of what kind of service after the sale I was going to encounter when buying from RPM.  I knew they were small and wouldn't be able to offer the kind of service that M&R could, but I knew they'd probably be better than all the other brands were offering so I pulled the trigger.  I have not regretted it...yet.  Basically what I mean by that is I haven't needed much tech support, only one time has the press gone down, and I'm wondering (still) if I'm going to get the service I'm wanting when that time does come around.  There are little things that put doubts in my head like when I have placed a few orders for flash unit bulbs via email the response has not been prompt, but there was no need for overnight or immediate action and I did mention that in the email.  But that being said, a few weeks is still a bit long to wait for some flash bulbs in my opinion.  If the press goes down and I call for support, I do think I'll get it, and if the first source doesn't respond, I can go up one more rung on the ladder, and go directly to 2M.

The next press I think I'm going to not worry about what kind of service after the sale I'm going to get.  And I've been researching autos for many years now and I really don't think there is a better press than the challenger III, comparable yes, but better...very debatable.  There was a day when we could be down a day and it wouldn't hurt us, but now, if we are down a day we are in deep s h i t.  Having the piece of mind knowing that I'll have someone (an entire staff) to be there to get me back up and running is now a much more important factor when choosing a new piece of equipment.
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it -T.J.
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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #123 on: October 02, 2012, 07:08:28 PM »
Which anatol auto do you have TCT?

I've always got my ear to the ground when it comes to who is giving good and bad service and the one that has come up a few times on this thread seems to have taken a nose dive after a few years of trending in the right direction.  It's almost like they've given up and they are perfectly content with being number 2 here in the states and selling presses to shops that will likely never buy another one or at least not another one from them.  I don't see how that is a good business plan for an automatic manufacturer. 

I had to deal with the questions of what kind of service after the sale I was going to encounter when buying from RPM.  I knew they were small and wouldn't be able to offer the kind of service that M&R could, but I knew they'd probably be better than all the other brands were offering so I pulled the trigger.  I have not regretted it...yet.  Basically what I mean by that is I haven't needed much tech support, only one time has the press gone down, and I'm wondering (still) if I'm going to get the service I'm wanting when that time does come around.  There are little things that put doubts in my head like when I have placed a few orders for flash unit bulbs via email the response has not been prompt, but there was no need for overnight or immediate action and I did mention that in the email.  But that being said, a few weeks is still a bit long to wait for some flash bulbs in my opinion.  If the press goes down and I call for support, I do think I'll get it, and if the first source doesn't respond, I can go up one more rung on the ladder, and go directly to 2M.

The next press I think I'm going to not worry about what kind of service after the sale I'm going to get.  And I've been researching autos for many years now and I really don't think there is a better press than the challenger III, comparable yes, but better...very debatable.  There was a day when we could be down a day and it wouldn't hurt us, but now, if we are down a day we are in deep s h i t.  Having the piece of mind knowing that I'll have someone (an entire staff) to be there to get me back up and running is now a much more important factor when choosing a new piece of equipment.

If you want, PM me and I'll get you my phone number and give you what happened with me, and a bit more of a rundown. Or suppose we could start another thread, but I have a feeling that would be a lot of name calling and he said she said....

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #124 on: October 02, 2012, 07:35:22 PM »
I just emailed the rep that has been trying to sell me on Anatol concerning service issues around the country and why I should even consider buying from them, It will be interesting to hear their response.

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #125 on: October 02, 2012, 07:53:50 PM »
So they offer four options for pre-reg?  Damn.

If I caught this right, you can get a Sroque machine that's MHM compatible, screen wise?

Very interested to see some pricing at some point.

As far as the "eek it's made in Europe!" response, well, I get that way too but if the machines have been running in Portugal for awhile and are good machines with reasonable support than it's probably no less a risk than going with an MHM. 

And look how many folks buy about rolling the dice on support...or getting a press that works.

They have been running all over the world aside from the US. They are actually the second oldest screen printing machinery company out there if I am not mistaken.
Funny you should say that about Anatol, guess what my other press is.... Would never buy another thing from them again. Well- I might consider a manual if I was in the market. Not much that service can let you down with on one of those! I actually think it is too bad about Anatol, because they CAN make a good piece of equipment- service after the sale is where they need help. Funny thing is, I am pretty sure they know that.

Back to the topic, I think SRoque has stuff all over the world, big in Europe and Africa if memory serves me correctly.

This isn't a drama post at all, I am honestly just wondering. 

Given you have had "bad" service from an overseas manufacture, what made you decide to try another one that is even less established than Anatol at least as far as USA goes.  I think id have to be concerned at what level of service I could expect if there was some problems.

overseas covers a lot of territory! Not all companies are created equal and not being from US is not a good benchmark for who and what they are.

Why is that then? Just asking as I`m from Europe. The only thing that would worry me is how that company Sroque will be able to deal with a collapse of the Euro.

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #126 on: October 02, 2012, 08:14:08 PM »
Hello, Sorry I have been gone so long, its been a busy couple of months.
Pierre thanks for the heads up on the activity, I will try to answer as many questions as i can.

yes the the techs for the S'Roque are currently Independent or Distributor Techs.  they are as follows to my knowledge, California, Pittsburgh Pa (Tech Support Sps), Toronto Canada, and New Hampshire some are fully trained some almost there and some just starting.  The Pittsburgh Pa. Tech is a employee of Tech Support Sps and will be on site for the Machine in New Hampshire and the demonstration machine at Tech Support Sps in Pittsburgh Pa. after he will go to Portugal to be fully S'Roqued.

Parts: Tech Support Sps will also be stocking parts for service. the cool thing is many parts can be sourced right here in the USA, even high end parts like plc's and touch screens. S'Roque is all about machines that run and can be keep Running, not becoming a manufacturer for parts , if a part can be sourced quicker in the USA and you back up & running then S'Roque is happy.

Sroque does 24 hr tech service by phone, and there techs all speak multiple languages including English a one of the main ones, we had no problem communicating with them when I was there. S'roque is a 30 year old Company and is a top manufacturer of Automated presses World Wide ( I have heard both #2 and #3 in the world) when I was there I was at shops that had S'roque machines 20 years old running next to machines 1 year old, the manufacturing facility is state of the art.

If you have any questions concerns or are looking for a press please feel free to contact me by private message or email for pricing I really don't want to discuss numbers on the board, its not really the place. But as you have heard already they are very competitive. So Zoo, Socal contact me.

Tech Support Sps is responsible for the First sale of Sroque in the Usa , I did work with Ryan on his purchase and we are as excited for the Install as he is.  Nice job Ryan and Alex on fielding questions.

As for Tech Support Sps , the name say's a lot and that is what we strive for not only for Sroque but all of companies we represent. many of you know us already and thank you for the kind words. we look forward to to being your S'Roque connection in the N.E United states.


Alan Howe
Saati Chem a Division of Saati America

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #127 on: October 02, 2012, 08:26:53 PM »
So they offer four options for pre-reg?  Damn.

If I caught this right, you can get a Sroque machine that's MHM compatible, screen wise?

Very interested to see some pricing at some point.

As far as the "eek it's made in Europe!" response, well, I get that way too but if the machines have been running in Portugal for awhile and are good machines with reasonable support than it's probably no less a risk than going with an MHM. 

And look how many folks buy about rolling the dice on support...or getting a press that works.

They have been running all over the world aside from the US. They are actually the second oldest screen printing machinery company out there if I am not mistaken.
Funny you should say that about Anatol, guess what my other press is.... Would never buy another thing from them again. Well- I might consider a manual if I was in the market. Not much that service can let you down with on one of those! I actually think it is too bad about Anatol, because they CAN make a good piece of equipment- service after the sale is where they need help. Funny thing is, I am pretty sure they know that.

Back to the topic, I think SRoque has stuff all over the world, big in Europe and Africa if memory serves me correctly.

This isn't a drama post at all, I am honestly just wondering. 

Given you have had "bad" service from an overseas manufacture, what made you decide to try another one that is even less established than Anatol at least as far as USA goes.  I think id have to be concerned at what level of service I could expect if there was some problems.

overseas covers a lot of territory! Not all companies are created equal and not being from US is not a good benchmark for who and what they are.


I didn't suggest all are bad or even more than one were and I fully agree each are different in respective ways.  I am simply curious to his thought process behind his choice after having a bad experience getting support from such a distance. 
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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #128 on: October 02, 2012, 08:34:58 PM »
So they offer four options for pre-reg?  Damn.

If I caught this right, you can get a Sroque machine that's MHM compatible, screen wise?

Very interested to see some pricing at some point.

As far as the "eek it's made in Europe!" response, well, I get that way too but if the machines have been running in Portugal for awhile and are good machines with reasonable support than it's probably no less a risk than going with an MHM. 

And look how many folks buy about rolling the dice on support...or getting a press that works.

They have been running all over the world aside from the US. They are actually the second oldest screen printing machinery company out there if I am not mistaken.
Funny you should say that about Anatol, guess what my other press is.... Would never buy another thing from them again. Well- I might consider a manual if I was in the market. Not much that service can let you down with on one of those! I actually think it is too bad about Anatol, because they CAN make a good piece of equipment- service after the sale is where they need help. Funny thing is, I am pretty sure they know that.

Back to the topic, I think SRoque has stuff all over the world, big in Europe and Africa if memory serves me correctly.

This isn't a drama post at all, I am honestly just wondering. 

Given you have had "bad" service from an overseas manufacture, what made you decide to try another one that is even less established than Anatol at least as far as USA goes.  I think id have to be concerned at what level of service I could expect if there was some problems.

When I was deciding, it came down to SRoque and MHM. There was nothing else out there that could really compare apples to apples. When looking at SRoque and MHM they are both from overseas, SRoque has been around longer and I was able to get in touch with 3 owners(only one directly) all of who would not stop raving about how much they liked their machine. Not a single one had had a problem. 
If(and I guess when) there is a problem I am not all that worried- I have had some equipment that has a local number and service, but they just say that.  So I am used to no support, if that happens to be the case it is not un charted territory for us. I would think it would be hard for them to have poor support considering they don't have a "cheep" or "entry level priced" machine. That in my head(tumble weed blowing across a desert) would mean they would have to maintain good standing with current customers or I would assume it would be hard to continue to sell higher priced/higher end machines. Also keep in mind with the higher end machines chances are they are going to someone that has already had an auto, they are not making the step up from the garage and a table top press. So if you are adding a auto or upgrading, chances are you are going for more features or capabilities- individual off contact, on press flocking, on press foiling, ect. All of this would mean they have to set the bar higher than a company that sells a large number of $20K-$40K machines. I'm pretty sure that I lost almost everyone there.
Guess what I was trying to say is: if they have been around since 1983 selling automatics- higher end ones at that, and are still around doing it today and advancing to another country, chances are they are doing something right.

Go ahead ask me another question, I can probably type out another cluster-f*%$ of an answer before the day ends! ;D

Fair enough.  But I don't think a machines price high or not will mean automatically they have good support, I think it's likely they won't be the worst in service so you have that going for you.  There are some really low benchmarks out there that should be easy to beat.  Best of luck with the machine and keep us in the loop of how it is doing!
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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #129 on: October 02, 2012, 09:48:42 PM »
I watched that puppy print and I must say it indexed very smooth. Very little vibration at all with the press. Interesting design.

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #130 on: October 04, 2012, 10:10:09 AM »
So they offer four options for pre-reg?  Damn.

If I caught this right, you can get a Sroque machine that's MHM compatible, screen wise?

Very interested to see some pricing at some point.

As far as the "eek it's made in Europe!" response, well, I get that way too but if the machines have been running in Portugal for awhile and are good machines with reasonable support than it's probably no less a risk than going with an MHM. 

And look how many folks buy about rolling the dice on support...or getting a press that works.

They have been running all over the world aside from the US. They are actually the second oldest screen printing machinery company out there if I am not mistaken.
Funny you should say that about Anatol, guess what my other press is.... Would never buy another thing from them again. Well- I might consider a manual if I was in the market. Not much that service can let you down with on one of those! I actually think it is too bad about Anatol, because they CAN make a good piece of equipment- service after the sale is where they need help. Funny thing is, I am pretty sure they know that.

Back to the topic, I think SRoque has stuff all over the world, big in Europe and Africa if memory serves me correctly.

This isn't a drama post at all, I am honestly just wondering. 

Given you have had "bad" service from an overseas manufacture, what made you decide to try another one that is even less established than Anatol at least as far as USA goes.  I think id have to be concerned at what level of service I could expect if there was some problems.

When I was deciding, it came down to SRoque and MHM. There was nothing else out there that could really compare apples to apples. When looking at SRoque and MHM they are both from overseas, SRoque has been around longer and I was able to get in touch with 3 owners(only one directly) all of who would not stop raving about how much they liked their machine. Not a single one had had a problem. 
If(and I guess when) there is a problem I am not all that worried- I have had some equipment that has a local number and service, but they just say that.  So I am used to no support, if that happens to be the case it is not un charted territory for us. I would think it would be hard for them to have poor support considering they don't have a "cheep" or "entry level priced" machine. That in my head(tumble weed blowing across a desert) would mean they would have to maintain good standing with current customers or I would assume it would be hard to continue to sell higher priced/higher end machines. Also keep in mind with the higher end machines chances are they are going to someone that has already had an auto, they are not making the step up from the garage and a table top press. So if you are adding a auto or upgrading, chances are you are going for more features or capabilities- individual off contact, on press flocking, on press foiling, ect. All of this would mean they have to set the bar higher than a company that sells a large number of $20K-$40K machines. I'm pretty sure that I lost almost everyone there.
Guess what I was trying to say is: if they have been around since 1983 selling automatics- higher end ones at that, and are still around doing it today and advancing to another country, chances are they are doing something right.

Go ahead ask me another question, I can probably type out another cluster-f*%$ of an answer before the day ends! ;D

Fair enough.  But I don't think a machines price high or not will mean automatically they have good support, I think it's likely they won't be the worst in service so you have that going for you.  There are some really low benchmarks out there that should be easy to beat.  Best of luck with the machine and keep us in the loop of how it is doing!

Ya, I was kinda worried that my mumbling was going to come across the wrong way. The price SHOULD not have a direct relation to service. All I was trying to say is- you can push a lot of $20k machines out the door and not have the best service record, and they will continue to sell based on price. It is a bit more of a challenge if those machines are 2x-5x the price, at that point I would think service/support would have to be present or selling those machines would prove to be quite a challenge... Makes sense in my head, but I may have just reveled my stupidity to everyone! :o

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #131 on: October 04, 2012, 02:56:50 PM »
Just got some pics from Portugal, and I am sorry to boast, but I'm frickin' excited for this baby! This is probably just me- but I have to say Lookin' Sexy!


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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #132 on: October 04, 2012, 04:21:02 PM »
That thing is sexy. I saw it at long beach but didn't have time to really watch it run. I am really interested in seeing in in Vegas if I can make it. What was the price for a 10 color??? I may just buy one so I can have a blue and green press in my shop. (Blue and green are my company colors)

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #133 on: October 04, 2012, 05:34:12 PM »
Really there are so many factors that go into your set up, it would be probably best to get a actual quote. Give Bobby a call 647-295-6099

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #134 on: October 04, 2012, 06:05:40 PM »
How come they didn't send a picture of mine being loaded on the boat????