Author Topic: SRoque - Ryonet?  (Read 54753 times)

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #90 on: October 01, 2012, 02:16:31 PM »
Hi Ryan, what made you go with an Sroque over an MHM or M&R?
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Offline blue moon

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #91 on: October 01, 2012, 02:23:20 PM »
there are 2 versions of the YOU. M and XL, The XL version (20x28 print)will be comparable to the Sportsman, a little less expensive for the closest comparable model. The one I got quoted on (XL) was less expensive than a Sportsman. I think if you are serious about the press, call Tech Support on it. They are a really nice press if you haven't seen it up close and if its brought in to the US correctly, I think it can be a serious contender in the higher end market as it is priced better than both M&R and MHM. Only time will tell and if you want real world experience, get in touch with me in November when mine arrives

Hows about an introduction?

I'm Ryan. I'm the first to purchase an SRoque in the US. Not sure what you want to know about me. Small shop, do just about everything my self. anything you want to know, just ask and I  will give an answer

Hey Ryan,

congratulations on the new press! They seem like fine piece of equipment and you should be pretty happy with it!

What inkman meant was, "How about an introduction in the introduction section?" Let us know how you are as not everybody is reading this post.


p.s. oh, sorry . . . WELCOME to the board!!!!
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Offline Ryan

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #92 on: October 01, 2012, 02:35:23 PM »
Hi Ryan, what made you go with an Sroque over an MHM or M&R?

MHMs financial stability or instability. I had heard rumors of the "trouble" they may have been in or were in. I had also heard of the problems with any type of service. the price also as they were about 15% more than the SRoque before I added anything to it. MHM was my first choice originally.

As far as M&R goes, I had an issue with my dryer and the service that I got (which I did get) left a sour taste in my mouth. I did look at a sportsman and their top of the line 12 color, EXG??, was also more expensive with a smaller print area. Forget about the C III, as I could have nearly bought 2 Sroques for that price.

So the short answer was not necessarily about service which everyone seems to point to, though if something comes up with my press and I don't get service in a timely manner, I will be the first to start bashing the press for that sole reason, but until that time comes, service wasn't the priority. I wanted something I could set-up fast and turn over jobs as I am a 1 man show and don't have anyone dedicated to print or set-up, do art, clean screens etc etc. My time is my money and the faster turnover the better and they provided the PRU system (like MHM). The other presses didn't offer that type of set-up. Sorry this post is all over the place. I can/will answer anything else regarding my choice if you want. Hope this helps in some regard

Offline inkman996

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #93 on: October 01, 2012, 02:42:25 PM »
What i was meaning is since you offered for people to contact you when your press is installed we would need to know who and where.

I assume you bought through Alan and Bill at tech support, good people for sure. Are you the one up in NH area?
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Offline Ryan

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #94 on: October 01, 2012, 02:44:38 PM »
What i was meaning is since you offered for people to contact you when your press is installed we would need to know who and where.

I assume you bought through Alan and Bill at tech support, good people for sure. Are you the one up in NH area?

I am the one in NH. Forums aren't my thing so I need to get used to what people are asking for and where it needs to go

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #95 on: October 01, 2012, 04:24:32 PM »
The SRoque press might have you know who coming with it just keeping his name out the picture which is a good thing for most.  The press looks  like a winner from the videos I,ve seen in the pass, and yes M&R can be beat on its presses, Anatol prove that and a few others, but Rich still has service on his side and does a good job, so matter what press you get you just about can't go wrong unless you get a Lawson!!!!!!!

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Offline TCT

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #96 on: October 01, 2012, 09:22:49 PM »

Hi Ryan, what made you go with an Sroque over an MHM or M&R?

MHMs financial stability or instability. I had heard rumors of the "trouble" they may have been in or were in. I had also heard of the problems with any type of service. the price also as they were about 15% more than the SRoque before I added anything to it. MHM was my first choice originally.

As far as M&R goes, I had an issue with my dryer and the service that I got (which I did get) left a sour taste in my mouth. I did look at a sportsman and their top of the line 12 color, EXG??, was also more expensive with a smaller print area. Forget about the C III, as I could have nearly bought 2 Sroques for that price.

So the short answer was not necessarily about service which everyone seems to point to, though if something comes up with my press and I don't get service in a timely manner, I will be the first to start bashing the press for that sole reason, but until that time comes, service wasn't the priority. I wanted something I could set-up fast and turn over jobs as I am a 1 man show and don't have anyone dedicated to print or set-up, do art, clean screens etc etc. My time is my money and the faster turnover the better and they provided the PRU system (like MHM). The other presses didn't offer that type of set-up. Sorry this post is all over the place. I can/will answer anything else regarding my choice if you want. Hope this helps in some regard

Hey Ryan, kinda funny talking on a forum instead of email!

Ryan and I have talked a few times back and forth as we are kind of in this one together. I followed in Ryan's steps kind of- I am the second one in the US to buy a SRoque. Our instal will be shortly after Ryan's. The closest M&R came was the Sportsman EXG or whatever, but it could not match with features.

Right now there are 3 techs in North America from what I know. One in PA I believe, one in CA, and one in Toronto. There was talk of training one on my install but I haven't checked on that in the last two weeks.

It will be interesting to see if Ryonet sold a press at the show. He is going to have to try some new things, like you guys said his customer base isn't exactly your typical "automatic buyers". Never mind the fact most of them were hoping for a "Hopkins auto" :o.

Hopefully I'll never have to grow up and get a real job...

Offline TCT

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #97 on: October 01, 2012, 09:30:12 PM »
Sorry I forgot to say who I was just realized it now, my name is Alex an we are up in MN.

Hopefully I'll never have to grow up and get a real job...

Offline mk162

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #98 on: October 01, 2012, 09:52:44 PM »
Where in MN?  I was born in what used to be known as Eitel Hospital.

Offline Ryan

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #99 on: October 01, 2012, 10:19:35 PM »
Should I change my name to the Skipper?? no one confused the Skipper with Gilligan :P

Offline mk162

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #100 on: October 01, 2012, 10:26:27 PM »
I think Gilligan should change his to Ginger, he does act like a diva. ;)

Offline Parker 1

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #101 on: October 01, 2012, 11:22:47 PM »
Ryan & Alex, which registration and FPU did you opt. for and why?

1.The "U" clamp? (Uses stop blocks like the M&R Tri-lock.)
2.The "Pin/MHM Type"?
3.Or the S.R. Frames Support?
4.FPU for Roller frames only?

Offline Ryan

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #102 on: October 02, 2012, 07:28:56 AM »
I went with the pin system, like MHM. Its the only auto I will have so I went with what I think the best one is. I don't use Newman frames. I use all Shurloc ez frames so they are square. I toyed with the idea of getting it with U clamps because that is what nearly every other press uses, plus you can shorten up the back plate to fit multiple size frames which I thought would be cool because I have a lot of 18x20 newmans, but common sense kicked in and realized the likely hood of ever throwing those up on an auto (as I do some soccer leagues where I leave sponsors on those screens) was unlikely. I am stream lining my operation so that everything is the same and commiting to the Pin system. They make a couple different options which I think is good because the press is more appealing to multiple users, like Pin for the MHM people (as I think they will build the heads to fit MHM system as well), Newman Pin system, they have the 3-point registration like the Tri-loc. I think that explains it, I hope

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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #103 on: October 02, 2012, 07:44:07 AM »

where in NH are you?  I am down in Worcester and would love to see this thing in action...


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Re: SRoque - Ryonet?
« Reply #104 on: October 02, 2012, 08:14:56 AM »
interesting that you mentioned a service tech in Toronto ( I assume Canada) I haven't heard of anyone selling them up here yet. But knowing that maybe there is a tech in our area is interesting.