Author Topic: You know what's really great?  (Read 4604 times)

Offline Frog

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You know what's really great?
« on: September 06, 2012, 08:19:59 PM »
When someone brings you a sample from a previous run elsewhere that looks so bad that even if you were hung over, down to some old wooden frames, and that old bucket of white that's been in the corner for ten years, you'll absolutely smoke it in a comparison.

What the hell is the matter with some shops?

The art needed clean up, and they didn't even call to offer that service. It's white and red on black ring spun T's, and both are translucent.
Man, a check swing is going to knock this one out of the park in their eyes.

To answer my own question about what's wrong, at least with the shop that did this one, I would bet that it was run on an auto, one hit, and outta there. 100 shirts, wham, bang, thank you maam!
Now, obviously, there is absolutely stunning, involved, complicated work done on autos around the world, every day, but I find that sometimes, a manual printer is more in tune with the process. He doesn't usually keep spinning. At least I don't.

On a related note, I can say that two jobs, both fleece, that I contracted out to established auto shops, did not do nearly as nice a job as I did on the re-order. (When will I learn? Wait, I did the last tome!)
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline jasonl

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Re: You know what's really great?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2012, 08:55:28 PM »
I am sure there are some GREAT manual shops out there, but when ran CORRECTLY, a manual can't touch an autos quality.
"We Make Blank Shirts Look Awesome!"

Offline Frog

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Re: You know what's really great?
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2012, 09:05:59 PM »
Yep, it's not the quality of the machine in these instances, but rather of the press operator, and shop management. Too often, it's quantity not quality, mostly on the simple jobs.

That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline mk162

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Re: You know what's really great?
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2012, 09:15:50 PM »
I've got a job like that in here today.  I think I might measure the ink film and post it in comparison to other things.  It's wicked thick.  I am talking possibly the thickest print I have ever seen...and I've been around this for almost 25 years...back when thick prints were in style...because that was the only style we could print.

Offline Prosperi-Tees

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Re: You know what's really great?
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2012, 09:42:37 PM »
One of the very few clothing lines I print came to me from a big shop that has been around for many many years and it was ridiculous what they sent out their doors as acceptable. It wasn't like the guy is a pain in the butt. He has been doing alot of one off samples with me and is getting ready to launch and he has no qualms about what I charge for the samples, doesn't want anything free and always has his artwork ready to go. That's rare for the clothing line guys.

Offline tonypep

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Re: You know what's really great?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2012, 06:34:45 AM »
Yep, it's not the quality of the machine in these instances, but rather of the press operator, and shop management. Too often, it's quantity not quality, mostly on the simple jobs.
I've been preaching this for forever Andy. Primarily the difference between a press op and a Screen Printer. Proper pre-press and design engineering are more critical to me than having the shiniest sexiest auto. Some of my autos are approaching 20 ys old (and they look it!) yet they are maintained to print as fast and accurate as they did when new.
I'm constantly baffled when I see videos of new presses that run at the same cycle rate as mine or slower.

Offline mooseman

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Re: You know what's really great?
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2012, 07:19:31 AM »
before I decided to get into printing I had a couple shops that i had printing for me. the quality and level of care was pretty crappy and the main reason i went out and bought equipment and started this journey.

 I remember looking at a job for someone else at one of the shops, (i visited there on every order I placed) where the print was pretty rip- $ciznit- bang- crappy, I asked is that OK? the answer was most customers have no clue, they are like cows they will just stand around and moo but not much more.
I could not believe that...they never got another order from me.  unbelieveable


Offline sweetts

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Re: Re: You know what's really great?
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2012, 07:35:51 AM »
before I decided to get into printing I had a couple shops that i had printing for me. the quality and level of care was pretty crappy and the main reason i went out and bought equipment and started this journey.

 I remember looking at a job for someone else at one of the shops, (i visited there on every order I placed) where the print was pretty rip- $ciznit- bang- crappy, I asked is that OK? the answer was most customers have no clue, they are like cows they will just stand around and moo but not much more.
I could not believe that...they never got another order from me.  unbelieveable

Is that how you got your name moo seman?  LOL JK

Sent  from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)
RT Screen Designs
Willowick Ohio

Offline mooseman

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Re: You know what's really great?
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2012, 07:47:24 AM »
I will not explain how I got the name mooseman until Carly Simon tells us all who she is singing about when she says
"You're so vain" So yes lets go with that..... ;)
moo  seman

Offline Gilligan

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Re: You know what's really great?
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2012, 09:24:35 AM »
One of my favorite Carly Simon jokes/references with that song was with Steven Colberts little bump at the end of his intro.

He points to the camera and says "Hey Carly Simon, thanks for writing that song about me!" and winks.

Offline Sbrem

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Re: You know what's really great?
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2012, 10:05:15 AM »
It's the operator of course. After all, an auto is simulating hand printing, only much faster. We're still trying to get the best print, no matter the press, I hope anyway.

I made a mistake once; I thought I was wrong about something; I wasn't

Offline Frog

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Re: You know what's really great?
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2012, 10:33:15 AM »
The key word in your post, in my mind, may be "faster". I think that some shops see easy money with a simple run, but the small quantity of only 100 or so makes them want it on and off the press as quickly as possible, and they lose sight of the same pride they may have in a longer run of something challenging.
Then again, I may be giving this particular shop more credit than they deserve and they are always shoddy.

Many of us dinosaurs also see the new trend of relative newbies jumping on autos far before they have mastered the basic principles of screen printing via a manual, so now, they can screw up shirts at a much faster rate.

Also, in this instance, the folks using a manual or an auto had nothing to do with the art they let on the press!
I've finally attached an example what I am talking about, though the camera's flash seems to improve the opacity of the inks. You will have to take my word on this . (I don't believe that one should see the shirt color through the inlk unless that is intended. My client assures me that it was not)

But what about the art itself? Except for hard nosed contract printers, is there one of you that would have allowed this on their press? Wouldn't you have at the very least pointed out that it requires some cleaning up or re-draw?

That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline Gilligan

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Re: You know what's really great?
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2012, 11:43:15 AM »
Many of us dinosaurs also see the new trend of relative newbies jumping on autos far before they have mastered the basic principles of screen printing via a manual, so now, they can screw up shirts at a much faster rate.

Hey hey hey! ;)

Actually for me, moving to an auto, I feel, will help me get control of the parameters that I am not very good at controlling right now (squeegee pressure/angle and proper flood).  I can try all I want but I really can't repeat myself to really see if what I'm doing is right or not and it's worse now that I have someone else handling the squeegee.  Getting an auto, for me, will mean that I can dial up the "settings" how I want them and then tweak them from there, knowing that the press is (at least WAY better than I can) repeat the exact same flood and print stroke every time.  So when I add pressure I can see if it got better or worse and go from there.  I personally hope it will help me to fine tune our process and when we finally get a grasp on how to do it right we can make notes and repeat it a lot easier than we can on a manual.  I know for a fact that as my printer gets tired and the job grows longer than he expected he starts printing harder.  This won't happen on the auto.  And if the job starts to give him problems, then it gets exacerbated with his level of frustration.  Obviously he should not let it get to him, but I didn't hire Buddha. ;)

But what about the art itself? Except for hard nosed contract printers, is there one of you that would have allowed this on their press? Wouldn't you have at the very least pointed out that it requires some cleaning up or re-draw?

Wow, that's pretty nasty.  I just took our new neighbor's new business card today and he paid $130 bucks for a 1000 of them.  They are done on cheap stock and I'm certain they were printed in house at a shop that shouldn't be printing them in house.  The font is jagged and it has a drop shadow on their logo that they didn't ask for and it's really just a bunch of dots... maybe they were trying to be artsy (it honestly looks that way).  I asked about it and he said "I don't even know what that is".  So I told him we would clean it up and get it done right.  He ordered 2k of them. 

He wanted them glossy and I asked if he wanted the ability to write on them (because the coating that he was looking at doesn't allow that) and he said "nah, I got 900 of these if I need something to write on!"  LOL  I guess so far we have made a good impression on him, lets hope I can hold that up! :)

Offline Frog

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Re: You know what's really great?
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2012, 12:18:04 PM »
I should probably bite my tongue, keep quiet and let this slide but...

Kevin, you are, in fact, a perfect example. Many of your questions here indicate that you don't have the experience or knowledge with which to run some jobs well let alone train an employee, and I have doubts that you will be willing to spring for the big buck veteran.
Yes, the auto will eliminate some variables. Yes it mimics a manual printer. On some jobs some will still be tearing their hair out.

Though not rocket science, it is much more involved than pouring syrup onto crushed or shaved ice.

A laser scalpel may replace a blade, but in the wrong hands will still not perform miracles in the surgery room.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline tonypep

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Re: You know what's really great?
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2012, 12:29:37 PM »
Biting my tongue as well but when I see posts on struggling with WOW I do scratch my head sometimes. Thats basic 101 stuff.