Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
I wish Matt had installed my diamondback .
Yeah we had Augie from San Diego install our sportsman. Superfast, knew his crap, and an awesome guy.Dan Goldberg their head technician is off the charts amazing! Always quick to get back to me, and always a huge help.About once a month it crosses my mind that I need to figure out their addresses so I can send them call packs of oregon beer!I actually sent Dan an email a few days ago asking if he can come up our way sometime soon. We have some minor issues that have been plaguing us and we would really benefit from having his set of eyes in our shop looking at them.Also Ron Hopkins! If you ever have exposure questions talk to that dude. He's amazing! So knowledgeable! And let's not forget how hands-on Rich Hoffman is, taking time out of his busy schedule to participate on the boards and help us all out. In the grand scheme of things I generally bother him with stupid crap and he's always quick to respond and happy to help. He is a great example for all of us of great company leadership and customer Service. I must say, I have learned a lot from Rich regarding the way he does business and takes care of his customers.