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great day for printing!

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I just have to take a break and say that I have never had white ink flow as good as it is today!  Print flash print and it is a smooth as glass!  Just makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.

Do give clues on what the change was or if it is just your day...

If it's anything like the Bay Area, we just got a sudden extreme warm-up last week.
My white is behaving nicely as well.

Ohio, right Printhouse?

Yes sir... Ohio.  What really made a difference today was two things.  I use International Coatings High Opacity white that I got from Ryonet last fall in bulk for a great deal.  It is some very stiff ink but works well.  Today I mixed a gallon with about 5% reducer by volume.  The real trick was I went to walmart and bought a bunch of vortex style paint mixers that are about 2 inch in diameter.  I put that in my craftsman drill and I mixed the gallon for about 5 minutes.  It was like butter coming out of the container!  I pushed it with a 65/90/65 squeegee at a nice slow pace....  flashed and hit it again real slow.  Best white I have ever printed.  Pushed it through a 110 mesh screen.  I was very happy.  I bought several of those mixers then cut a small hole in the center of the lid of a quart container.  I then put the mixer in the quart container and slide the lid down over it.  That way each of my regular, thick colors, have their own mixer ready to go at all times!

I use some IC white as well. If you find that it is too thick, except that it sounds like you have a bunch, I'd recommend their 774 LV, a lower viscosity white right out of the bucket. This has been my fleece white now for years.


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