Author Topic: Ryont inkjet films  (Read 20978 times)

Offline screenprintguy

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #60 on: August 22, 2012, 10:21:45 AM »
Also no certificate on Mavericksupply's site checkout page, ugh.  And people wonder why identities get stolen lol.  I would HOPE that both site's credit card processing page is encrypted, but I won't get that far unless I enter fake info lol. has Folex films, not cheapest, not most expensive but their site has encryption at least!

Contact Brad direct, trust me, he will take care of you personally!
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline IntegrityShirts

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #61 on: August 22, 2012, 10:28:32 AM »
Also no certificate on Mavericksupply's site checkout page, ugh.  And people wonder why identities get stolen lol.  I would HOPE that both site's credit card processing page is encrypted, but I won't get that far unless I enter fake info lol. has Folex films, not cheapest, not most expensive but their site has encryption at least!

Contact Brad direct, trust me, he will take care of you personally!

Ehhh I find it irresponsible and unethical that people put up insecure websites asking for personal information.  Both their site templates support security certificates, had they purchased and installed them.  Best case scenario is they play dumb and say they didn't know?  When I ran an online store that was the MOST important piece of online sales, security for the customer.

And Brandt, I ain't calling him lol I only order on the internet (sound familiar?)  :D

Offline GraphicDisorder

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #62 on: August 22, 2012, 10:34:58 AM »

And Brandt, I ain't calling him lol I only order on the internet (sound familiar?)  :D

I am the same way so I agree :)

I can only hope they don't know better.  (both sites).  It's not the easiest thing to do in the world for someone that doesn't know web sites, but its not rocket science either.  Could be just didn't know or didn't know how.  I have heard dumber stuff lol. 

Brandt | Graphic Disorder |
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Offline mavgraph

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #63 on: August 22, 2012, 11:05:17 AM »
Also no certificate on Mavericksupply's site checkout page, ugh.  And people wonder why identities get stolen lol.  I would HOPE that both site's credit card processing page is encrypted, but I won't get that far unless I enter fake info lol. has Folex films, not cheapest, not most expensive but their site has encryption at least!

Contact Brad direct, trust me, he will take care of you personally!

Ehhh I find it irresponsible and unethical that people put up insecure websites asking for personal information.  Both their site templates support security certificates, had they purchased and installed them.  Best case scenario is they play dumb and say they didn't know?  When I ran an online store that was the MOST important piece of online sales, security for the customer.

And Brandt, I ain't calling him lol I only order on the internet (sound familiar?)  :D

I have watched this post and made one reply, but this is enough. To call me irresponsible and unethical goes WAY past what is acceptable. You can say whatever you want about my products, pricing, etc., but do NOT question my ethics! We have been in business 10 years based on our reputation and ethics, and many on these boards use our product. Our website only accepts PayPal, so no credit card information is needed. Many call us direct and use a credit card, and we have NEVER had a problem. This thread started out as a sincere request from someone asking about film, and it has deteriorated into bashing my site and others. Not what this site is all about.
Maverick Graphic Supply 877-MAVERIK
Your #1 Choice For Inkjet and Laser Film
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Offline screenprintguy

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #64 on: August 22, 2012, 11:19:16 AM »
I was going to say the same thing Brad, using paypal is secure, don't quite understand how they can call you in to question about that. Can't pick up the phone or send a quick email to order from a real person, operating here on  US soil with a family owned business? WOW. You took great care of us Brad and earned our business for film. This thread ended up being highjacked with too much negative, barney type bantering. Keeping doing what you do Brad!

Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline IntegrityShirts

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #65 on: August 22, 2012, 11:24:32 AM »
I have watched this post and made one reply, but this is enough. To call me irresponsible and unethical goes WAY past what is acceptable. You can say whatever you want about my products, pricing, etc., but do NOT question my ethics! We have been in business 10 years based on our reputation and ethics, and many on these boards use our product. Our website only accepts PayPal, so no credit card information is needed. Many call us direct and use a credit card, and we have NEVER had a problem. This thread started out as a sincere request from someone asking about film, and it has deteriorated into bashing my site and others. Not what this site is all about.

You are collecting customer information on your site without an encrypted connection to your server.  Any information entered in those fields can be intercepted in transit.  I don't doubt that you have been in business 10 years, your site and online store have not.  You could have said you didn't know you were collecting data insecurely, but the harshness of my words may have gotten to you.  I do warn people/friends/family NOT to enter information on unsecured sites.  My intention was if you KNOWINGLY set up your site to collect that information without encryption, then that is unethical and irresponsible.  It doesn't mean that YOU are using that information unjustly, just that the information can be intercepted by a 3rd party who can then do what they please with it.

If customers check out with PayPal via your site, then turn off the form page to collect information and only send products to their verified paypal address.

I apologize if it came off as harsh, but it should be fixed for your customer's sake!

Offline GraphicDisorder

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #66 on: August 22, 2012, 11:27:19 AM »
I was going to say the same thing Brad, using paypal is secure, don't quite understand how they can call you in to question about that. Can't pick up the phone or send a quick email to order from a real person, operating here on  US soil with a family owned business? WOW. You took great care of us Brad and earned our business for film. This thread ended up being highjacked with too much negative, barney type bantering. Keeping doing what you do Brad!


Easy on the "they" stuff.  I just replied to his post, I didn't look at it myself.  I have no idea about either sites. 
Brandt | Graphic Disorder |
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Offline chubsetc

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #67 on: August 22, 2012, 11:35:04 AM »
Also no certificate on Mavericksupply's site checkout page, ugh.  And people wonder why identities get stolen lol.  I would HOPE that both site's credit card processing page is encrypted, but I won't get that far unless I enter fake info lol. has Folex films, not cheapest, not most expensive but their site has encryption at least!

Contact Brad direct, trust me, he will take care of you personally!

Ehhh I find it irresponsible and unethical that people put up insecure websites asking for personal information.  Both their site templates support security certificates, had they purchased and installed them.  Best case scenario is they play dumb and say they didn't know?  When I ran an online store that was the MOST important piece of online sales, security for the customer.

And Brandt, I ain't calling him lol I only order on the internet (sound familiar?)  :D

I have used Brad's products and have met him in person and he is one of the good guys.  A standup, caring guy.  When I order online I never send credit card info without the page being secure, Brad uses PayPal for this.  The only information he asks for on his site is the same information anybody can get by looking your name up in the phone book, or having your business card in their hand.  Hardly putting you in danger of identity theft.  Not trying to start a fire storm or look for an argument, but I think we need to take care to look into the situation in full before we make accusations that can damage the hard earned respect of someone's  business.  I will be using Maverick Graphic for supplies in the future without hesitation.


Offline screenprintguy

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #68 on: August 22, 2012, 11:39:23 AM »
I was going to say the same thing Brad, using paypal is secure, don't quite understand how they can call you in to question about that. Can't pick up the phone or send a quick email to order from a real person, operating here on  US soil with a family owned business? WOW. You took great care of us Brad and earned our business for film. This thread ended up being highjacked with too much negative, barney type bantering. Keeping doing what you do Brad!


Easy on the "they" stuff.  I just replied to his post, I didn't look at it myself.  I have no idea about either sites.

Did I say Graphic Disorder? Nope, guilt points it's own finger because I sure didn't.
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline GraphicDisorder

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #69 on: August 22, 2012, 11:45:26 AM »
Did I say Graphic Disorder? Nope, guilt points it's own finger because I sure didn't.

Cool story bro, tell it again.  You implied plural, intentionally....

But no you didn't use  my name, but I have no problem making my end clear.  I replied to his claim, I never made a implication myself.  In fact I said "didn't notice that".  Because I didn't.  But his claim still remains true, data is being transmitted without a secure connection, but yes its GREAT that it is NOT Credit Card Data just general contact info.  But some people take that stuff really serious as well.  In fact some take it stupid serious.
Brandt | Graphic Disorder |
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Offline GraphicDisorder

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #70 on: August 22, 2012, 11:45:59 AM »
Brandt | Graphic Disorder |
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Offline screenprintguy

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #71 on: August 22, 2012, 11:57:21 AM »
What ever dude, your track record of negative posting on multiple boards speaks for it's self. Have a good one, I'm done with the childish crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a business to run and employees to tend to, this 5th grade back and forth stuff is ridiculous!
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline Gilligan

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #72 on: August 22, 2012, 12:01:37 PM »
I can only hope they don't know better.  (both sites).  It's not the easiest thing to do in the world for someone that doesn't know web sites, but its not rocket science either.  Could be just didn't know or didn't know how.  I have heard dumber stuff lol.

This is probably the bits that got interpreted that way.  I too read it like you were on the exact same page as he was.

On yet ANOTHER side note... do any of you guys use your credit cards to pay for meals at a restaurant?  THAT is where a good majority of "identity" theft happens.  It's not online that they are stealing your CC information... it's your trashcans and the people that take your credit card when you use it.  Not hard to snap a pic with a camera phone these days and be able to PLACE an order online at that point.

Offline IntegrityShirts

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #73 on: August 22, 2012, 12:22:56 PM »
None of my comments were meant to harm anyone's business or livelihood.  Merely to bring attention to the fact that they are collecting information without a secure connection.  At least Brad doesn't ask to create a user name and password on an unsecured page like Inkjetfilm does.

Again, never my intention to imply that the site owners are thieves, just that the internet needs secure connections when entering ANY personal information.

If I don't see the "HTTPS" and a green lock symbol in my browser, I don't fill out the form, that simple.

I'm sorry I informed the screen printing world that two sites listed here lack security certificates that ALL shopping carts should have.

Offline Gilligan

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Re: Ryont inkjet films
« Reply #74 on: August 22, 2012, 12:38:21 PM »
My wife's bank card was recently used illegally.

She RARELY uses her bank card as that bank account has only one primary purpose.  So she went back through the history and the only thing she had used it for in the past 6 months was a retail place where the card never left her hand (they only get the last four numbers), "pop a lock" a locksmith type company... where they WROTE down her card number and took it back to their office to charge it, and a restaurant... where they took the card off some place "unknown" to charge it.

Our cards that we use online have not been stolen EVER.  Credit card theft USUALLY happens when people have your card IN HAND.