screen printing > 4 Color and Simulated Process Printing
Best way to control dot gain
--- Quote from: blue moon on May 26, 2011, 01:35:59 PM --- I agree, and the reality is that the angle (primarily) and pressure (secondary) are used first. So in the spirit of the poll, they would be better.
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It would be best to get it down to angle OR pressure.
"control" is all about control. When a process is under control, the screens made on monday can be remade on friday or remade next year and the results will look consistent. The printing of a screen made today, should print the same with one made next year.
The payoff of control is rapid quicker make ready. Fiddling with angle and pressure before deciding to swap squeegees and start adjusting again take time. The higher end the product, the tighter the color requirements. I've seen makeready disasters, when multiple remakes eats hour after hour.
Sorry yorkie and others,
I guess I could have been clearer about this being rudimentary knowledge.
Not about computers ( Which are not needed to screen print) or rip software ( which is not needed even with a computer) or sound boards ::)
it is about screen printing... Pulling a squeegee over a stencil supported by a mesh fabric.
blue moon:
--- Quote from: Artelf2xs on May 26, 2011, 02:46:08 PM ---Sorry yorkie and others,
I guess I could have been clearer about this being rudimentary knowledge.
Not about computers ( Which are not needed to screen print) or rip software ( which is not needed even with a computer) or sound boards ::)
it is about screen printing... Pulling a squeegee over a stencil supported by a mesh fabric.
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well, we seem to have an abundance of opinions here, are you sure your answer is going to satisfy everybody?
Before computers, dot gain was controlled with exposure calculators and duplication of film or in the creation of the art.
--- Quote from: Artelf2xs on May 26, 2011, 02:26:07 PM ---BuwA HAHAHAHA ::)
if you where riding a horse in the desert, Because you left you camel in an unlocked house in Canada, ( But at least the coffe pot was off) And you remembered that the art of screen printing, invented over 4000 years ago had advanced a lot. But yet the same simple rules applied.
would you still sweat?
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Is it daytime or night time? (And yes, the falling tree does make a sound even if no one is there to hear it))
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