screen printing > 4 Color and Simulated Process Printing
Best way to control dot gain
--- Quote from: blue moon on May 26, 2011, 10:05:59 AM ---But the widest range, in my experience, comes with the squeegee duro. Most others will give me about 30% plus minus (that's in usable range, if you back the pressure off so much that you are not really printing or is not clearing enough it really is not usable). Going from a solid 80 duro to a triple 55 I see an increase of approximately 50%. That would make it the widest range once the screen is on the press.
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30% and 50% adjustments, sound like too large of a jump to be considered a "tuning point" for dot gain.
blue moon:
--- Quote from: yorkie on May 26, 2011, 11:25:06 AM ---
--- Quote from: blue moon on May 26, 2011, 10:05:59 AM ---But the widest range, in my experience, comes with the squeegee duro. Most others will give me about 30% plus minus (that's in usable range, if you back the pressure off so much that you are not really printing or is not clearing enough it really is not usable). Going from a solid 80 duro to a triple 55 I see an increase of approximately 50%. That would make it the widest range once the screen is on the press.
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30% and 50% adjustments, sound like too large of a jump to be considered a "tuning point" for dot gain.
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In our case I have 6 different duros, so there is quite a range.Yes, you are right, It is not a seamless adjustment, but this is complemented by the other factors. Does that make the other factor more important? hmmm . . . .
If you were a DJ at a nightclub and were switching from one song to another, you'd expect the volume settings for the second song will be correct. Then when you cut in talk on the mic, you expect the sound levels will be correct. Then if you switched an MP3 player, again you'd expect the sound levels to be correct. This is because before the show, you did a sound check. You know the volumes will be correct, because you have tested it. Now this is not to say, that from the first fan to enter to room, till hundreds of people enter the room, that you will not have to re-adjust the sound level. These are controlled require gentle adjustments, not the swapping out of amps halfway into the show.
Now imagine a show starting up, then realizing that amps are too small, shutting down the show, swapping out amps, doing a new sound check, then realizing these were still the wrong amps and swapping them again. Is this REALLY the way to put on a show?
The setting on the soundboard depend on the amp which is chosen, not the other way around. The choice of the squeegee should be made when planning the show. On the day of the show, you may need to panic and swap equipment, but it should be the exception, not the rule.
blue moon:
--- Quote from: yorkie on May 26, 2011, 12:44:31 PM ---If you were a DJ at a nightclub and were switching from one song to another, you'd expect the volume settings for the second song will be correct. Then when you cut in talk on the mic, you expect the sound levels will be correct. Then if you switched an MP3 player, again you'd expect the sound levels to be correct. This is because before the show, you did a sound check. You know the volumes will be correct, because you have tested it. Now this is not to say, that from the first fan to enter to room, till hundreds of people enter the room, that you will not have to re-adjust the sound level. These are controlled require gentle adjustments, not the swapping out of amps halfway into the show.
Now imagine a show starting up, then realizing that amps are too small, shutting down the show, swapping out amps, doing a new sound check, then realizing these were still the wrong amps and swapping them again. Is this REALLY the way to put on a show?
The setting on the soundboard depend on the amp which is chosen, not the other way around. The choice of the squeegee should be made when planning the show. On the day of the show, you may need to panic and swap equipment, but it should be the exception, not the rule.
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I agree, and the reality is that the angle (primarily) and pressure (secondary) are used first. So in the spirit of the poll, they would be better.
if you where riding a horse in the desert, Because you left you camel in an unlocked house in Canada, ( But at least the coffe pot was off) And you remembered that the art of screen printing, invented over 4000 years ago had advanced a lot. But yet the same simple rules applied.
would you still sweat?
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