screen printing > 4 Color and Simulated Process Printing
Best way to control dot gain
--- Quote ---so the color on press doesn't match expectations,
--- End quote ---
It is not about expectations or compensations. It is a simple question about the physical mechanics.
To me off contact should be the biggest culprit out of the list,other than no. 7 , if your off contact is to high for whatever reason the stencil on the shirt side will enlarge has you force it down. take a peice of sheetmetal drill a hole in it and then bend it around an arbor the outside will grow. The same will happen to your stencil.
--- Quote from: virgil427 on May 25, 2011, 08:13:37 AM ---To me off contact should be the biggest culprit out of the list,other than no. 7 , if your off contact is to high for whatever reason the stencil on the shirt side will enlarge has you force it down. take a peice of sheetmetal drill a hole in it and then bend it around an arbor the outside will grow. The same will happen to your stencil.
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A lot of people probably forget about this one.
So, do we have a consensus yet?
blue moon:
so with a screen on the press and needing less or more ink . . . I find most of the above will give you a range of adjustment.
But the widest range, in my experience, comes with the squeegee duro. Most others will give me about 30% plus minus (that's in usable range, if you back the pressure off so much that you are not really printing or is not clearing enough it really is not usable). Going from a solid 80 duro to a triple 55 I see an increase of approximately 50%. That would make it the widest range once the screen is on the press.
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