Author Topic: SimpleSeps Raster  (Read 25051 times)

Offline prozyan

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SimpleSeps Raster
« on: August 12, 2012, 04:06:51 PM »
Recently, Tom at Advanced Artist released SimpleSeps Raster (, which he touts as a way to separate any image within Corel Draw.  I read up on it and decided to give it a whirl to see how things worked out.

In a nutshell, it works by separating the image down to an HSB (hue, saturation, brightness) extract, then producing separations from there, which results in plates for an underbase white, highlight white, black, green, yellow, magenta, red, blue, and cyan.  From there, you can begin reducing your colors to suit your needs.  Its an interesting method.

For my test, I set out to test three things:

1.  Ease of use
2.  Accuracy
3.  Does the program do what Tom says it will.

Since ease of use was one thing I wanted to test, I limited myself to three of the multiple video tutorials Tom offers on the program and also decided I wouldn't tweak the separations the program generated.  I'd just go with the raw output.

So with these parameters in mind, off I went to google images to find a crappy jpg to toss at the program.  Here is what I picked:

This was a typical jpg, 72dpi, etc, etc.  I imported this into Draw X6, resampled it to 800dpi at final size, ported it to photopaint, added some blur to soften the lines, then resampled again down to 200dpi.  This gave me not great art to work with but something that was at least manageable.   Then I ran it through the SimpleSeps Raster program.  After about 7 minutes total, I had the final separated image broken down into four monochrome images:  Black, red, yellow, and cyan.  Looking at the monochromes, I could tell they could use some tweaking, but I stuck to my rules and didn't touch them.  Sent them through Accurip at 55lpi, 22.5 angle, and made my screens.

I wasn't going to mix ink colors for what was a simple test, so I used standard union colors.  Golden yellow for the yellow, scarlet red for the red and bright blue for the cyan.  I wasn't expecting much, considering separations really follow the "Garbage in, Garbage out" rule, and the file I gave it was pretty crappy.   Here was the print result, taken with my crappy cell phone camera:

Seeing the final result I can tell where the monochromes needed to be tweaked.  The cyan and yellow both need to be pulled back some.  I got quite a bit of yellow pollution is areas that should have been white, which I think resulted in a duller print than it should have been.  Also, if I had used colors actually called for, especially the cyan and probably at least a primrose yellow if not a process yellow, the result would have been better.  All in all however, considering all of 25 minutes was spent on setting this up, I was impressed.  I think the result was comparable to what any other separation program on the market would have generated.  Keep in mind, this was the raw data the program generated.  I spent no time adjusting or tweaking the result.

So, for the final verdict:

1.  Ease of use.  Check, this was extremely easy to use.  It would take some time to learn the ins and outs of the program, but that is true for any program.
2.  Accuracy.  Check again, with some tweaking to the raw results.
3.  Does the program do what Tom says it will do.  Check.  It works exactly as advertised.  I dunno if this program means the death of Adobe products as the industry standard as Tom has claimed in other places, but it is an effective and powerful addition to Draw.

SimpleSeps Raster, like all automatic separation programs, can never take the place of a human separator, but we all know it is impractical to send every piece out to a separator.  Priced at $249.99, I think SimpleSeps Raster would be a worthwhile addition to any small shop.

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Offline jason-23

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Re: SimpleSeps Raster
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2012, 05:29:51 PM »
Thanks for the testing and input.

Offline blue moon

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Re: SimpleSeps Raster
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2012, 11:10:38 AM »
GREAT write up! Thank you very much for taking the time to do this. . .

Yes, we've won our share of awards, and yes, I've tested stuff and read the scientific papers, but ultimately take everything I say with more than just a grain of salt! So if you are looking for trouble, just do as I say or even better, do something I said years ago!

Offline inkman996

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Re: SimpleSeps Raster
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2012, 11:40:08 AM »
I watched all the videos on his site and it is pretty damn interesting the way he does it and the way the program works.

I love the idea of having a sepped element that you can change the colors on at any time makes laying out much easier.

My concern which will probably keep me from ever buying it is Corel. Corel is just to damn buggy and unstable I wont trust any thing in it any more. I have Toms design base add on and it gives me fits asit is with Corel.

What i wish some one here would do is explain HSB theory and how it works? I am totally at a loss as to what is happening when he executes a seperation. In another forum he is stating that Sim Process is the wrong way to sep and HSB is because of color theory/tech. Not saying he is incorrect so i would love to here from a guru or someone what the hell HSB is and how it works.

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Offline Fluid

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Re: SimpleSeps Raster
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2012, 02:50:35 PM »
Very nice test. I wish I still had my shop for this exact reason. One thing I want to mention is you talking about the yellow polluting the white areas. Using that exact image, sample the colors in Photoshop or any raster program. You will see it is not true white, thus the "yellow polluting".  Our eyes see it as white yet in truth it is not white.  You nailed it though and with this and any other separation program out there you will always need to tweak and edit after running the actions, scripts, etc.  This test just shows that these programs will never be 100% accurate and will always require additional knowledge to yield an award winning separation.

Learn to do these type of separations manually and then you can use these progs to help speed the process or your prints / seps will look like everyone else's out there. 
--Fluid Graphic Designs, Color Separations & Film Output 15+ years Industry Experience - CorelDRAW MasterĀ® 

Offline Sbrem

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Re: SimpleSeps Raster
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2012, 04:06:51 PM »
I watched all the videos on his site and it is pretty damn interesting the way he does it and the way the program works.

I love the idea of having a sepped element that you can change the colors on at any time makes laying out much easier.

My concern which will probably keep me from ever buying it is Corel. Corel is just to damn buggy and unstable I wont trust any thing in it any more. I have Toms design base add on and it gives me fits asit is with Corel.

What i wish some one here would do is explain HSB theory and how it works? I am totally at a loss as to what is happening when he executes a seperation. In another forum he is stating that Sim Process is the wrong way to sep and HSB is because of color theory/tech. Not saying he is incorrect so i would love to here from a guru or someone what the hell HSB is and how it works.

This will get you started, I just found it yesterday. He has other videos to explain the background knowledge necessary to understand what they are talking about...

Real-Time Color-Separations with the FREE Full-Spectrum HSB Smart-Filter

I made a mistake once; I thought I was wrong about something; I wasn't


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Re: SimpleSeps Raster
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2012, 10:11:38 PM »

Thanks for posting the excellent review  8) Your time, effort, support and test is sincerely appriciated.

Offline prozyan

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Re: SimpleSeps Raster
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2012, 10:34:01 AM »
I'm planning on doing a more accurate test either Friday or Saturday, where I take the time to adjust the seps, colors, etc, as well as using a better starting graphic.
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Offline Gabe

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Re: SimpleSeps Raster
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2012, 10:48:08 AM »
Hi tom is good to have you aboard
there are a lot of printers using your tools here
I`m one of them


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Re: SimpleSeps Raster
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2012, 11:23:11 AM »
Hi tom is good to have you aboard
there are a lot of printers using your tools here
I`m one of them

Hi Gabe,

Thanks for the warm welcom. I was not aware of this forum until I found the post on SSR in Google.

Offline Homer

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Re: SimpleSeps Raster
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2012, 12:25:32 PM »
I too have everything from Tom, except this program. . are there any trial runs of it Tom? I'd give it a go.
...keep doing what you're doing, you'll only get what you've got...

Offline sportsshoppe

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Re: SimpleSeps Raster
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2012, 01:57:00 PM »
Along with Tom's programs is his personal attention to his customers, I recently upgraded to CD X6 64 bit and had lots of trouble in installing his programs that I have purchased. With a few emails and little downloading I am back in business with all the AA programs except the one that is on this post but it is coming soon!!!! It is the best bang for the buck that is out there for any corel users. :D


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Re: SimpleSeps Raster
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2012, 09:26:42 PM »
I too have everything from Tom, except this program. . are there any trial runs of it Tom? I'd give it a go.

I am working tryint to decide between a time limit trial and a watermarkets in the seps trial. Flip a coin I guess.

Offline mk162

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Re: SimpleSeps Raster
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2012, 10:25:27 PM »
time trial, that way people can actually use it on a job

Offline inkman996

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Re: SimpleSeps Raster
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2012, 10:28:24 PM »
I watched all the videos on his site and it is pretty damn interesting the way he does it and the way the program works.

I love the idea of having a sepped element that you can change the colors on at any time makes laying out much easier.

My concern which will probably keep me from ever buying it is Corel. Corel is just to damn buggy and unstable I wont trust any thing in it any more. I have Toms design base add on and it gives me fits asit is with Corel.

What i wish some one here would do is explain HSB theory and how it works? I am totally at a loss as to what is happening when he executes a seperation. In another forum he is stating that Sim Process is the wrong way to sep and HSB is because of color theory/tech. Not saying he is incorrect so i would love to here from a guru or someone what the hell HSB is and how it works.

This will get you started, I just found it yesterday. He has other videos to explain the background knowledge necessary to understand what they are talking about...

Real-Time Color-Separations with the FREE Full-Spectrum HSB Smart-Filter


I don't know if it's my feeble mind or the creator of that vid but it was way over my head and like pulling teeth watching it! That said thanks for the link it explained some of HSB but still leaves me in the dark as to how you get seps from it.
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