Computers and Software > Separation Programs

SimpleSeps Raster

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--- Quote from: Inkman996 on August 14, 2012, 11:40:08 AM ---I watched all the videos on his site and it is pretty damn interesting the way he does it and the way the program works.

I love the idea of having a sepped element that you can change the colors on at any time makes laying out much easier.

My concern which will probably keep me from ever buying it is Corel. Corel is just to damn buggy and unstable I wont trust any thing in it any more. I have Toms design base add on and it gives me fits asit is with Corel.

What i wish some one here would do is explain HSB theory and how it works? I am totally at a loss as to what is happening when he executes a seperation. In another forum he is stating that Sim Process is the wrong way to sep and HSB is because of color theory/tech. Not saying he is incorrect so i would love to here from a guru or someone what the hell HSB is and how it works.

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This will get you started, I just found it yesterday. He has other videos to explain the background knowledge necessary to understand what they are talking about...

Real-Time Color-Separations with the FREE Full-Spectrum HSB Smart-Filter



Thanks for posting the excellent review  8) Your time, effort, support and test is sincerely appriciated.

I'm planning on doing a more accurate test either Friday or Saturday, where I take the time to adjust the seps, colors, etc, as well as using a better starting graphic.

Hi tom is good to have you aboard
there are a lot of printers using your tools here
I`m one of them


--- Quote from: doublestroke on August 15, 2012, 10:48:08 AM ---Hi tom is good to have you aboard
there are a lot of printers using your tools here
I`m one of them

--- End quote ---

Hi Gabe,

Thanks for the warm welcom. I was not aware of this forum until I found the post on SSR in Google.


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