"He who marches out of step hears another drum." ~ Ken Kesey
In Illustrator, take your type and create outlines, then click on live paint bucket, then click on the "type", next it will ask you if you want to convert the image to live paint image, click image. Use spot colors and you can have your separations.
Hey Gilligan, I'm guessing you have the font, so here's how I would do it: Set the type, "Create Outlines" under the Type menu to convert to vectors. Now, put a rectangle of any color behind the text, select all, and on your Pathfinder pallet, use Divide, then with all still selected, selected, Ungroup. Now take your direct selection tool, the hollow arrow, and select the parts you don't want and throw them away; all done, easy peasy.SteveThe problem you may be having is that when you Create Outlines, the white is actually empty, fill is None, so there's nothing to grab and color...
There's so many useful things in Illy to use, but my problem I forget them sometimes because I don't use them that much, any body ever make a note book of shortcuts to help you remember stuff.Darryl