screen printing > Separations

Sim process with discharge...sep software?

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Steve from Quick Seps was looking for ideas for his upcoming release...


Suffice to say the best results are achieved when a separator can think like a printer and a printer can think like a separator. Quoting tp here.

This is so important it cannot be said enough. Thanks for bringing this up. When both people are on the same page amazing things come off the press.


--- Quote from: Inkwerks on May 20, 2011, 11:29:41 AM ---Suffice to say the best results are achieved when a separator can think like a printer and a printer can think like a separator. Quoting tp here.

This is so important it cannot be said enough. Thanks for bringing this up. When both people are on the same page amazing things come off the press.

--- End quote ---

You know, the only time that happens is either when your a small one man shop or a very large shop and can pay those people what they are really worth to your business.  Imagine it. A printer who thinks like a separator and  separator that thinks like a print. WOW.

Remember, how VALUABLE is was for a person running the "one person shop" to learn how to do your own basic separations. Yeah, its like that.


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