Author Topic: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?  (Read 5790 times)

Offline Gilligan

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Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« on: July 06, 2012, 07:10:32 PM »
It's really not as bad as the subject sounded.  It's actually a buddy of mine's shop, his lease is up and he said they want an insane amount to purchase the equipment, so he's giving it up and buying new.

At first I turned down the job because when he said Workhorse 8 color 6 station I thought, not too many of those in my neighborhood and asked if it was my buddy's shop and said "Sorry can't do it."  Then he explained and I talked to my buddy and he verified.

SO... now I have to pick up:

That 8c4s carousel
a PQ3011 (powerhouse 30" belt 11' long dryer)
Primus P1820M Flash
Epson 4800
Wasatch Softrip (and dongle)
Rhinospray Pressure washer
Ioline 300 Design and Sew system
Hotronix Swinger Heat Press.

I just listed everything on my sheet here.

I'm guessing I'll pull the infeed and outfeed off the dryer and break it down as much as I can as I'm gonna probably try and squeeze this into a 6x10 cargo trailer.  Thinking I'll pull the heads up on the press like when it's delivered (upstop pin needs to be removed), and pull the pallet arms... anything I should know about that "spring pin" I read about in the manual?

Everything else should pack pretty easy I'm guessing.

Anyone have any suggestions?  It's just gonna be my guy, the customer and myself (possibly the wife will be with us) doing this job.

Oh, I'll bring some 2x4's to put under the press to be able to lift a little easier, that's what I do with my Antec Legend and though it's still a monster we can waddle around with it.

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Re: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2012, 07:40:24 PM »
the dryer can be moved with 4 guys no problem. If you take it apart it would be able to be moved by 2  big guys. (I had that dryer.) Just take the 4 bolts at each extension arm and it will break down with out many issues The belt rollers will come out when you release the arms (you should only have to remove 8 bolts per side). The press is a 8 color 4 station? I don't think they made that. I have a 6/6 and they weight about 600 pounds. I move mine around with a pallet jack it fits perfectly under the stand. If you have to take it apart, take the heads off marking each and its location, and the pallet arms (they should be marked). It will cut the weight way down the base is still really heavy. If you can get 2 dollies and put one under each side and you should be able to move it up the ramp. That's how I had to get min off my trailer. The dryer will be easy compared to the press.

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Re: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2012, 07:55:17 PM »
Are you repoing it to your shop? When we picked up our 12 ft 36" dryer we had 4 people but when we got home it was just me and the wife. That was fun!!!! NOT!

Offline Gilligan

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Re: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2012, 08:38:35 PM »
Sorry, I meant an 8 color 6 station.  (I have a 4 station so my fingers went into autopilot I guess).

4 guys we won't have... I'm not even sure if the trailer has a ramp yet *gulp*.

I'll find out more about the trailer tomorrow... I may purchase the trailer, we will see.

Offline Gilligan

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Re: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2012, 09:06:10 PM »
Are you repoing it to your shop? When we picked up our 12 ft 36" dryer we had 4 people but when we got home it was just me and the wife. That was fun!!!! NOT!

Negative, it's going to Dallas... I will be picking up my new (to me) 48x48 stainless CCI washout booth and new CCI Dip and Strip kit for the ride back!

The repo is not only saving me the $240 in shipping but also paying me a few bucks... I'm lining it all up with a scheduled vacation trip with the family to Toledo Bend Reservoir, there by cutting out about 150'ish miles of the trip (one way)... just got to add in the extra fuel cost of pulling a trailer (20%?)  In the end it will probably pay for the washout booth and possibly the dip tank.

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Re: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2012, 09:26:22 PM »
Are you repoing it to your shop? When we picked up our 12 ft 36" dryer we had 4 people but when we got home it was just me and the wife. That was fun!!!! NOT!

Negative, it's going to Dallas... I will be picking up my new (to me) 48x48 stainless CCI washout booth and new CCI Dip and Strip kit for the ride back!

The repo is not only saving me the $240 in shipping but also paying me a few bucks... I'm lining it all up with a scheduled vacation trip with the family to Toledo Bend Reservoir, there by cutting out about 150'ish miles of the trip (one way)... just got to add in the extra fuel cost of pulling a trailer (20%?)  In the end it will probably pay for the washout booth and possibly the dip tank.

How many hours round trip will this take you?
Brannon Mullins Spot Color Supply
We Sell Workhorse Products,Along With Used Equipment, and Printing Supplies!!

Offline Gilligan

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Re: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2012, 09:53:32 PM »
Out of the way from my already planned trip?

8 hours (not counting loading up).

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Re: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2012, 10:02:27 PM »
On my older Jav you can't pull the pallet arms. They are welded. When I moved mine I just removed the pallets and two print arms. Oh chock the wheels on the trailer when loading, don't ask how I found out what happens if you don't! Lol.

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Re: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2012, 10:09:36 PM »
This is a workhorse manual right?. If its a auto your in trouble.

Offline Gilligan

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Re: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2012, 10:15:16 PM »
LOL... yeah, a manual.

I guess I can see how that mistake was made 8 colors and 6 station and all.

It's a manual... sorry for that confusion. LOL

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Re: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2012, 10:43:02 PM »
Oh then easy cheesy.

Offline pwalsh

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Re: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2012, 10:31:45 AM »
It's really not as bad as the subject sounded.  It's actually a buddy of mine's shop, his lease is up and he said they want an insane amount to purchase the equipment, so he's giving it up and buying new. 

Gilligan:  Sorry about diverting this thread slightly but I thought that your post demonstrates a real good point about the different types of equipment lease/financing programs.  There are probably many more lease options out there in the market, but three common programs that I am aware of are; $1.00 buyout, 10.0% buyout, and Fair Market Value buyout at end-of-term. 

The different programs all have some pros and cons to be considered especially if you plan to retain the equipment at the end of the lease period.  It makes a lot of sense to look beyond the amount of the deposit required, and the monthly payment and fully review what your best options are before getting into a long term equipment  lease.     
Peter G. Walsh - Executive Vice President
The M&R Companies - Roselle, IL USA
Office 847-410-3445 / Cell 913-579-6662

Offline Gilligan

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Re: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2012, 10:53:09 AM »
No problem Peter, I agree with you.

Granted, I'm not a lease kind of guy period.  If you do the math that is usually some brutal interest rates!

Offline alan802

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Re: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2012, 11:20:02 AM »
The only thing I've ever leased was a car and I must say that it was a good move financially.  I've never had a car long enough to pay it off so leasing worked. 

One thing I would say is to not buy a trailer, borrow that sucker.  If you can, borrow boats and trailers from friends who thought it would be a good idea to buy one.  Maybe you'll use the trailer enough for it to make sense to buy it but I doubt it.  Unless you're in the business of hauling stuff big enough for a trailer, I'd just borrow, or rent.  A uhaul box truck would be perfect.
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Offline Gilligan

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Re: Doing a Repo next week... any things to look out for?
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2012, 11:39:27 AM »
I'm almost with you on the trailer... I'd buy a utility trailer for the right price as I can see using it for various things (even just taking some garbage from the house to the shop's dumpster when we miss garbage day or have more than the usual trash that week.

But in this case I need a place to store stuff at my shop... this trailer will sit in the parking lot and be a storage container for all the stuff that I was storing at the shop before I moved the print shop in that space.  I'd rather a connex box but we don't really have the property for it and the landlord won't put it on the "back" of the building because it could be seen from the road and I guess he doesn't want me blocking the algae on that wall from being seen.