Author Topic: Another dip tank question/Is this normal behavior of a 37 gallon dip tank?  (Read 4834 times)

Offline Rockers

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Our Easiway dip tank has become "pregnant" right after filling it up the very first time. It has got this big bulge now which makes me wonder what to do with the lid. Does not fit on it at all anylonger. Just out of curiosity, is this normal  and your dip tanks having the same tendency or did I become victim of a cheap fake product that`s about to burst.

Offline Frog

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Now, whether all tanks bulge. I don't know, but the issue has certainly come up before.
Something like a frame of 2x4's, I believe was a solution for at least one boarder, maybe Brad, Mk 162
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Offline inkman996

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For what they are charging you for that tank I would ask for a refund it is not working as advertised obviously because you cannot attach the lid.

But yea like Andy said reinforce it and it should be fine.
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Offline blue moon

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we have a couple and they both do the same thing . . .

Yes, we've won our share of awards, and yes, I've tested stuff and read the scientific papers, but ultimately take everything I say with more than just a grain of salt! So if you are looking for trouble, just do as I say or even better, do something I said years ago!

Offline stitches4815

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Mine has done it as well.

Offline Printhouse

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Mine is a year old and has a slight bulge in the center but not near as bad as that one.

Offline Shanarchy

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I think I have the same tank. I do not have this problem. I can put the top on with no problems. I got mine a few years ago, not sure if they are using a thinner wall now.

Offline stitches4815

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I should clarify, mine does it also but not as bad.  The lid still fits.  I am thinking of bending a strap and securing it to a wall so it will hold the bulge in.

Offline Frog

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Would strapping material and its tool provide a viable solution?

On the other hand, these fixes should be incorporated into the product in the first place, and not be a necessary retrofit by consumers. I'd talk to Easiway or your distributor for some help here.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline T Shirt1

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Our's bulges too but the top fits great.  We use ratchet straps to hold the insulation in place but we don't try to contain the bulge.

Offline inkman996

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Strapping around the top will not pull in the bulge it will compress where the tension is highest and that will be at the corners.

It would need to be a rigid frame, when empty take measurements screw some 2x4's together and slide up from the bottom, or do it with some black pipe corners and a union.
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Offline Nick Bane

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our dip tank has a frame of 2x4s around it to contain any bulge, so it doesnt bulge.  i have to assume it would bulge without the wooden frame.  i was told it came that way from the supplier it was bought from, but i wasnt ever told what supplier that was.

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Offline Printficient

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Rumor has it that the Great Winston Strickland is making a dip tank as well as a semi automatic pre press system.  All made of fiberglass.  Shouldn't bow and should be competitive in pricing.
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Offline snuggles

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The tanks's just a vessel to hold the fluid...thats what's important...not how the tank looks.  If it still holds fluid and you can still get your screens clean that's all that really matters

Offline sweetts

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Look at it this way now you can fit more solvent in it so you gained a gallon or two at no charge. Mine does it too but no real issue with it the lid still fits. Ratchet tie some 2x4 around it if its an issue.

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