Author Topic: Get Started in Screen Printing At Workhorse Two-Day October Workshop  (Read 1549 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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You can spend months learning how to screen print using the good old trial-and-error method or you can dramatically speed up your learning curve and save yourself countless hours of time and money by attending a comprehensive two-day screen printing workshop at Workhorse Products October 6-7 at its facility in Phoenix.

Taught by industry veteran Terry Combs, this class starts from the beginning with what is a screen and ends with attendees pulling a squeegee and printing a full-color, simulated-process image on a black T-shirt.

Learn how to degrease and coat a screen and set up a multi-color job. Other topics include transfers, specialty inks, and art preparation. Business aspects such as promoting your shop, finding customers, and day-to-day business operations also are included. 

Both days start at 9 a.m. and go until 4 p.m. Workhorse is located at 3730 East Southern Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85040, which is just minutes from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, and there are convenient hotels nearby.

The cost is $395 for the initial attendee and only $195 for additional people from the same company. For more information or to register, go to

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