Author Topic: Miami screen supply ink  (Read 30350 times)

Offline Miami Screen Print Supply

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Re: Miami screen supply ink
« Reply #135 on: January 28, 2013, 02:40:46 PM »

If anyone at anytime has any question regarding our inks or supplies all it takes is a call to my office. We have very stringent quality controls on all the products we sell. I have found that with anyone’s ink, no matter the manufacture, shop conditions & air temperature can effect drying time. I have witnessed shops all over south Florida that have to close their overhead doors when the temperature drops below a certain temperature. Weather they are using my ink or an ink from another manufacture. The fact is when it is cold a simple thing like adjusting the dampers at the ends of your dryer can affect the cure time of an ink.  It all depends on the temperature of the ink on the shirt. Also a big mistake I see people make is sending one shirt through the oven to test the dry time.  You must fill the belt with shirts to create the conditions as they would be in production. This will drop the temperature inside your oven. I can talk on all aspects of curing but, there is not enough space for me to type in this little box. Please feel free to call me anytime if you would like to have a conversation. I have been in this industry for more than 30 years. I started out printing manually 34 years ago. When I left the printing side & went into the supply side I was running production for a company with 5 automatics & several manuals.
I can assure you Miami Screen Print Supply sells only high quality inks & products that I will stand by 100%. 

      Kevin Fleury
    5608 NW 161St Miami Gardens Fl, 33014
    Phone: (305) 622-7532

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Re: Miami screen supply ink
« Reply #136 on: January 28, 2013, 03:10:55 PM »
Have you tried Rutland StreetFighter?

We went from Quick to it, and while not quite as nice as quick (flashes a little slower, is a little
stiffer initially) I can deal with it for almost half the price.

I'd try the Miami, but we're a  long way from Florida.

I haven't.  I'll check out a sample.  Consistent?

Kevin, I hope you didn't take my post as a knock on your product, it's not.  I especially would never speak ill of an ink I've never used and was just commenting on the formulation inconsistency that rears it's ugly head across many other brands.  I agree with you completely on the multi-faceted aspects of curing.  You guys clearly have a good thing going on- I think Alan has tested every white ink out there so if he likes it, it's probably something special!  I'm just conversing on how it seems you need to pay out the nose to get serious consistency bucket to bucket with inks. 

Back to Miami's NP white's- what's the shipping situation to the mountain west and west coast?  Do you guys have any distribution out here or would we have to ship from FL on every order?  If the shipping isn't going to spoil the deal I'd love to order a sample from you.

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Re: Miami screen supply ink
« Reply #137 on: January 28, 2013, 03:18:39 PM »
Kevin, thanks for chiming in. Like I said I really love the superior white ink, it was the curing that has me baffled. I guess different ink manu's have different formulations. I'll see if we have any info logged on the problem days. We never know in central Fl humidity,  temp is all over the place. I appreciate you chiming in though.
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803