Author Topic: curving fill?  (Read 6534 times)

Offline Chadwick

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Re: curving fill?
« Reply #30 on: June 30, 2012, 09:49:02 PM »
No apology necessary.
I've been known to come across as a prick.
( and believe it or not, it's not usually intentional )

Back on topic here though, what I said is valid.

Many of you will want to do things in an order that isn't 'logical' from an art constuction perspective.
Like..the nuts and bolts of the process.
It will cause you grief, and you'll wonder why the hell (whatever) isn't working properly.

I'm just suggesting that one thinks about the order ( of the things ) one creates stuff in.

I'm not sure how the math would work to create an out of round ( ie: not a perfect radius ) gradient fill in a vector environment.
I can surely understand why the fill is independant of the object though.
I usually do this stuff like inkworks example if constrained by vector bs.

If, however,
your blackline, shapes, objects, whatever, is all finished, at scale, and you're adding the shiny after the fact,
one could use a bitmap program to 'stroke along path' with a brush and have a perfect contour fill with the desired results.
It's easy enuf in photoshop, I imagine photopaint must have something similar.
You can import that bitmap back into your vector program simply enuf and you're golden.

I'll try not to come off as such a prick in the future, although, come the end of the week, we're all in crap moods anyways, haha.
Cheers all.