Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
They are just running them at a higher temp. I set my dryer at 300 degrees or so and run the belt slow. They run their heaters on high which is probably 7-800 degrees.
I look at it this way. You can "cure" natural/clear discharge much faster than pigmented because there is no pigment to set. As others have stated recently in a curing waterbased thread, pigmented discharge can be fully discharged but not fully cured and the color will wash out. With the natural discharge once you discharge the fibers you're good to go. Now I'd like to see those numbers on pigmented discharge to a full cure.
cute.... will help some garage printers... Good marketing
Yeah, I felt they were pulling a little bit of a fast one when they said "it wash tested just fine"... well it wasn't pigmented so of course it wash tested fine. Add pigment and that is when the problems with wash testing shows up.And I know next to nothing about discharge (hell, I know very little more about plastisol )
I'd say 20-25 units is what it would drop to for a pigmented discharge. Of course, the market this product is designed to help has no business doing discharge anyway, as it is likely the small time garage/home printer who has insufficient ventilation to begin with.
Looks like a flash dryer with a belt, but then again aren't the big units bigger flash dryers with bigger belts etc.D
Its hard to get down on Vastex they are a stand up company that has a specific niche they stick with and are successful at.Look at the head line to this post it states "Stop curing with a flash" Well guess what the tiny dryer does exactly as advertised, it is a great step up for a small printer that is using a flash to cure with. My opinion they did a great job at what they were aiming for.
I think that the main legitimate issue being brought up in this thread is the implication that this dryer is sufficient for use with the current trend of waterbase and discharge inks.
Just throwing out that I was not downing Vastex, I also think they do a great job. I have a Vastex BigRed 30 Conveyor Dryer and I love it. It cures discharge very well but I keep my shirts in the tunnel for about 2 minutes a piece. I do think you need to be very upfront in your claims though as newer printers who are going to typically buy these could be mislead.
Printinator. What's the longest dwell time in the tunnel the motor can produce.?
I can personally attest to the usefulness of these "mini-me" dryers, having used a four foot Ranar Scamp when I started. Many use these for start-ups, and then keep them for emergency spares, or, as mentioned, for on-site printing.