Author Topic: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.  (Read 17967 times)

Offline Gilligan

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I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« on: June 26, 2012, 11:12:15 AM »
I just can't see paying over $20 bucks for these things and when you can find them for a MORE reasonable $15 it is $15 bucks in shipping to go with that "low" price.

These things cost about a buck a piece and I'm fine with getting robbed for few bucks for a set but I'm not paying $25-$35 for them!

If anyone has an extra ONE even laying around I'm starting my collection of 3 and I'll give you a couple of bucks for them.

Hell, if you are a commercial vendor for these things and want to drop them in an envelope for a reasonable amount I'll be glad to buy them, just send me a PM and your secret is safe with me.

Offline Frog

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Re: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2012, 11:26:15 AM »
Wouldn't that be committing the cardinal sin that I see mentioned here so often, "leaving money on the table"?

Capitalism is a slippery slope comrade. ;D
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Offline ScreenFoo

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Re: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2012, 11:33:02 AM »
Thanks a lot Frog, now they'll be charging $40... cause they can.   ::)

Offline Gilligan

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Re: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2012, 11:47:08 AM »
I believe in fair capitalism... granted, I have no clue how you would really define that.

But price gouging isn't part of that!

Like the unbelievableness of a $20 USB cable at Best Buy or related to our business.  "Fast Signs" has a "special" they are advertising in my town 1000 biz cards 1 color $59, full color $99 bucks!  If got print can print them for me for under $10 bucks and they seem to be making good money then how the hell can you justify $99 bucks.  Insane.  I have a hard time charging $60 bucks!  We do throw in a bit of graphic work for "free" with that.

These clips are less than a buck a piece when bought for their original purpose.  Don't get me started on locking strips! ;)

Offline Frog

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Re: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2012, 12:16:37 PM »
Hey, I'm on your side, but face it, most of us would love to be able to buy low, and sell high.
Re-purposing, and targeting a new market at a higher perceived value is a time honored money making strategy. "Find a need and fill it", or even better, "create a need and fill it."

We see it with things as simple as cake spatulas/ink knives

So, maybe you could find a new calling, and start supplying heavily discounted alternatives to the industry. A slight deviation in careers, and you may be able to completely sidestep learning how to coat a screen (because you will not like the prices on capillary film)
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline tpitman

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Re: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2012, 12:32:44 PM »
For what it's worth, I saw a post describing the clips as common conduit clips that you can buy anywhere like Home Depot, but I can't say as I've seen conduit clips that small. Sometimes you just gotta pay the man. I did.

Half the crap for sale isn't worth what's in it. I had a leather iPhone case the started coming apart, so I replaced it with a silicone one from Best Buy. Cost me about $27, and I felt ripped-off since it's just a spoonful of silicone rubber in a mold, but I have to say I've dropped the phone on concrete a few times and the phone hasn't a mark on it.
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Offline Frog

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Re: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2012, 12:49:39 PM »
For what it's worth, I saw a post describing the clips as common conduit clips that you can buy anywhere like Home Depot, but I can't say as I've seen conduit clips that small. Sometimes you just gotta pay the man. I did.

Half the crap for sale isn't worth what's in it. I had a leather iPhone case the started coming apart, so I replaced it with a silicone one from Best Buy. Cost me about $27, and I felt ripped-off since it's just a spoonful of silicone rubber in a mold, but I have to say I've dropped the phone on concrete a few times and the phone hasn't a mark on it.

If that same spoonful of silicone rubber had been shaped into a "marital aid", it would have been $54!
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline Mr Tees!!

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Re: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2012, 01:07:13 PM »
Gee Andy....that's kind of an exact number you quoted there?  Feelin kinda Froggy, man?   :D
Thanks TSB gang!!

...Sean, Mr Tees!!!

Offline Frog

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Re: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2012, 01:09:42 PM »
And that was with my amphibian discount!
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline Itsa Little CrOoked

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Re: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2012, 01:12:42 PM »
Marital AID!!! I'm reporting this post to the moderator!!!!

If I could wax eloquent, I think it is a lot less painful to pay an extra large markup, when there is a little fat left on the bone. Churches and other organizations with a bent toward helping the poor see giving decrease, when taxes are high and as a result, the economy flounders.

We have been programmed to be frugal by several generations of watching our hard earned $$$, be stolen and re-distributed to hoards of people too lazy to work.  But that's just me. I'm so fiscally conservative, the "right wingers" seem like foolish spenders.  Been poor too long I guess....

Offline Frog

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Re: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2012, 01:22:59 PM »
Let's not go too far astray here. We are not talking about churches, taxes, or deadbeats( that along with affordable education, food, utilities, and healthcare can be discussed in the Opt-in section). We are talking about how much mark-up is fair in the industry, and what alternatives are there for items deemed "gouge priced".
Hell, even that's pushing it here since it started as a want ad!


That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline JBLUE

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Re: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2012, 01:29:17 PM »
Who needs clips? We stretch them all the time without them.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid...... Ben Franklin

Offline ScreenFoo

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Re: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2012, 02:16:02 PM »
Yeah, you got a point.   "I don't NEED clips man... I can quit anytime!"    ;D

BTW, Gilly, two is all I use.  Unless you're getting fancy and reverse curve stretching, it's likely all you'll need as well.

Offline ebscreen

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Re: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2012, 02:28:21 PM »
Yep, two here too.

I think six come in a pack, so maybe you can has two from me.

Offline royster13

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Re: I know it's pety... but Alignment Clips for Newman frames.
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2012, 06:36:27 PM »
Prices are not only set by what something costs but also by what it is worth......When I solve a problem for a client, I can charge more than if I just sell them "stuff"....Even though in both cases my costs might be the same....