Author Topic: What music gets the shop rockin and the shirts falling out of the dryer?  (Read 17823 times)

Offline ericheartsu

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We listen to alot of Nerdist and WTF podcasts, and we also listen to alot of the clients and labels we work for:

Andrew Jackson Jihad, Bomb The Music Industry,Small Brown Bike, New Bruises, Descendents, The Sidekicks, Spraynard...lots of newer punk kids
Night Owls
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Offline Rockers

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Lots of Rap, some Biohazard, Sick Of It All, late 90s Drum and Bass, Danzig, Amy Winehouse, Gang Starr.

Offline mk162

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Rap and country are both banned in the shop.  I can't listen to it, so it doesn't get played.  Southern rock is cool by me though.  I give shop tours and I don't want junk blaring back there.

In atlanta they took away the BEST station.  It seriously played everything from the 60-80's and the song rotation was great.  Now we are stuck listening to crap again with the same 3 songs every hour.

The way it works in our shop is I provide a radio.  I don't want people bringing in their own stuff because then they spend most of the day screwing around with their ipod to find the song they want.  Drives me crazy when I walk back there and the press isn't running because they are fidgeting with electronic sh!t.

Offline Sbrem

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The Gap Band
Bootsy Collins
Con Funk Shun
Tower Of Power

Anything from the funk era! Lol

Excellent. I wasn't going to post being an old fart without much use for music since the early 70's, but funk is eternal. I saw Tower of Power last fall, and holy poop, unbelievably tight.

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Offline inkman996

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Brad we have a fairly new employee a young man that I have been having a hard time with using ear buds off his IPOD. I have made ear buds (head phones) a no no here but he keeps getting caught. Then he has the guts to lie to my face and say they were only in his ear but no music on,yea right I guess you were them for comfort.

Point is as i try to explain to him we have to many machines going and your auditory sense is very important when it comes to safety, also phones are always ringing and plain and simple it is rude. It royally pisses me off when I have to yell to get his attention and he knows it, what he does not know is his arse will find the door if he keeps it up.
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Offline whitewater

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i play everything here...whatever i want to listen to at the moment. Social distortion kick right now..on pandora for social d they also play cash and black flag, fugazi,,

A little dylan sometimes and when I need to be mellow a little dead and MMW or John Scofield..

Offline jasonl

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Lots of Rap, some Biohazard, Sick Of It All, late 90s Drum and Bass, Danzig, Amy Winehouse, Gang Starr.

I love Amy, and Gang Starr.  I saw Biohazard years ago when they opened for House of Pain.
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Offline ScreenFoo

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Nice--Guru's Jazzmatazz stuff is a pretty good fusion project--speaking of MMW--anyone check out Combustication with Z-trip?  I used to be OK with the Dead till I did sound for a cover band...  Ever notice how every dead fan has this tape that no one else has of the best show ever?  And it's never ANY good AT ALL?     ;D

Definitely an All/Descendents fan--I used to go by the Blasting Room every day on my way to work back in the sign shop days... although I'm never lucky enough to catch them jamming 'round town.  Not going to enough bars I guess. 

I still can't believe no one listens to Zappa... Half the stuff on this thread probably wouldn't exist if he (and his buddy Beefheart,) hadn't been around.

Offline Frog

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I used to be OK with the Dead till I did sound for a cover band...  Ever notice how every dead fan has this tape that no one else has of the best show ever?  And it's never ANY good AT ALL?     ;D

This raises two points.
1. Many live shows are not nearly as good as the hopped up, hyped up fans feel they are because they are also enjoying the whole experience. Hell, it could be a whole weekend including a twelve hour road trip.
2. The Dead are(were) in a distinct minority by allowing if not actually encouraging bootleg recordings of their shows.

When these two facts coincide, it's not surprising that one head's favorite or "best" is another's painful memory of making the mistake of taking the blue acid rather than the mellow yellow one.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline Shawn (EIP)

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We listen to alot of Nerdist and WTF podcasts, and we also listen to alot of the clients and labels we work for:

Andrew Jackson Jihad, Bomb The Music Industry,Small Brown Bike, New Bruises, Descendents, The Sidekicks, Spraynard...lots of newer punk kids

I love all of those besides Bomb The Music Industry, I'll have to check them out. Small Brown Bike!!!

You have fine taste in music sir!

Offline JBLUE

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I just throw it on Sirius Octane and roll with it. Although AC/DC does get the shirts flying when I am on the press which is not a lot any more. Now when I go out there it Mariachi. I do know the words to quite a few songs now even though I dont know what they

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid...... Ben Franklin

Offline Shawn (EIP)

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Johnny Cash is the only country musician allowed in my shop and a very small select rap groups mostly oldschool rap. Dub Step and pop chart music is perma banned.


Beastie Boys
Wu- Poontang Clan
Grave Diggers
Cyprus Hill
Ice Cube
Milk (Never Dated)
Public Enemy
Black Sheep
Tribe Called Quest
Die Antwood
« Last Edit: June 25, 2012, 11:25:24 AM by endless ink printing »

Offline Shawn (EIP)

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something keeps changing wu - tan(G) clan to poontang lol wtf?

Offline Prosperi-Tees

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The Gap Band
Bootsy Collins
Con Funk Shun
Tower Of Power

Anything from the funk era! Lol

Excellent. I wasn't going to post being an old fart without much use for music since the early 70's, but funk is eternal. I saw Tower of Power last fall, and holy poop, unbelievably tight.

That's right Steve it never gets old! Heck im only 37 but really grew up on this stuff. Con Funk Shun actually practiced in a garage a few doors down from me. It was cool  hearing them live in the streets.

Offline Frog

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something keeps changing wu - tan(G) clan to poontang lol wtf?

The filters are confusing it with another word. I may have fixed it now. Try an edit.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?