Artist > Works In Progress-art process


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Pencil - Photoshop

Painting a little more these days.  No real "inking" fun method.  Look up Seegmiller.  Good stuff

Screened Gear:
This is really cool. I have to know, How many hours?

Awesome!  As I said before, I love this new directio for you and you're one of the real car artist.

Funny you mention Seegmiller. While I worked at "the last place", we hired Seegmiller to come in for a two day seminar. Fun, normal guy and modest.


blue moon:
I vote this for the post of the month!

Thanx Lemorris, that is AWESOME!



--- Quote from: blue moon on June 15, 2012, 09:53:40 AM ---I vote this for the post of the month!

Thanx Lemorris, that is AWESOME!


--- End quote ---
I agree.  In addition to the high level of art quality, It is nice to have this artist come in and post the step by step stages. Very good food for the hungry. We can feed the masses with this food.  Ya you, give a man some art and you feed him for a day, teach a man to do art and... you know the rest.


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