Might be heading to the island of Mauritius for a month.
While that's actually true on a more serious note no. I approached Action about it once but they back burnered it. As mentioned above you could take a beat up old manual base, make or buy an oversize platen, beef up the support arm, and use extra springs or beefier hydraulics to keep the screen in the up position. It will need to be a high lift in order to effectively load the shirt as the platen arm is stationary. Yes you could mount the screen holders and/or platen arm/s on bearings but we're trying to keep it cheap and simple. Also don't forget you will need different size boards; one for every 2 shirt sizes. And frames should be rigid aluminium to keep things light.
Lastly keep in mind it takes a special individual to pull a squeegee that wide. Keep mesh counts low and use WB or thin plastisols.