Author Topic: GSG Offers Abacus II Manual Screen Print Numbering Press  (Read 1471 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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GSG Offers Abacus II Manual Screen Print Numbering Press
« on: June 07, 2012, 05:13:55 PM »
The M&R Abacus II, offered by GSG, is a two-station numbering press featuring a 20-print head duo-deck configuration, which facilitates the printing of two-color numbers. It has a servo-driven indexing system, which is controlled by an advanced touch-screen user interface. This allows for accurate positioning of any digit size or type.

Its design and construction eliminates questions about which screen goes where in a master screen chase as well as how to position an oversize screen containing multiple digits. Users simply enter the dimensions of the digits to be printed and the gap between the digits. The Abacus II automatically positions each pallet for correct digit placement during the print cycle.

Abacus II also can be used for traditional multicolor printing. The standard frame size for M&R’s numbering system is 38 x 58 cm (15” x 23”), but it can simultaneously accommodate screen frames up to 51 x 61 cm (20” x 24”) in all 20 print heads or screen frames up to 58 x 79 cm (23” x 31”) in every other print head.   

Abacus II features include a machine-tooled and polished 7.62 cm (3”) center shaft, heavy-duty tapered roller bearings, extra-large knobs, microregistration with dual off-contact adjustment, and tool-free spring tension adjustment.

Graphic Solutions Group offers equipment and supplies for the decorated apparel, signs and graphics, and electrical sign industries. For more information, contact the company at (800) 366-1776; e-mail:; or visit the website at